Page 46 of Stars At Dusk

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‘Sit, woman. Now. So much to catch up on.’

Selene giggled, following her friend to the luxe velvet couch. They fell on it and instantly curled up at opposite ends.

‘To great friends and an even more amazing life,’ Selene said, toasting the moment.

Harlow reached over to clink her glass to her friend’s. ‘Indeed.’

‘Can’t believe you’re here,’ Selene said with a shake of her head. ‘Finally.’

‘I can’t believe it either. I busted my butt to prep for this experience, but now that I’m here, it’s like none of that matters.’

‘What do you mean?’ Selene probed, cutting to the chase in her customary fashion.

‘Firstly, the Sable Skylab. It’s beauty. The facility is beyond any scientist’s dream across all Pegasi. My lab on Axuma feels like a kids’ play space in comparison. Whatever work I did there is kinda null because I now get to run it through the most sophisticated sensors and testing machines. Which I love.’

‘It’s tight, isn’t it?’

‘Beyond tight. What Kage and his team have accomplished there is blowing my mind. I can see why they’re dominating the skies. Granted, they had the help of a galaxy-class AI and metanoids, but still, the mind and thinking required to make good of that tech are admirable.’

‘So you admire him?’

‘Who wouldn’t, Selene? Professionally, of course. He’s got one of the most incredible scientific minds I know of. As well as being a very astute administrator. That’s a super rare combination. And he’s giving me carte blanche on the project. Letting me run it as I see fit, he pops in often to check progress, but mostly I’m my own boss. And I like that.’

‘Like that, or like him?’

Harlow paused mid-sip of her prosecco and nailed Selene with an affronted look. ‘Woman, why do I think you’re trying to play matchmaker?’

Selene shrugged. ‘Would I be so wrong? From what I’ve seen and heard, you’ve got a connection. Am I right, or am I right?’

‘Whether you’re right or not, it doesn’t matter. Remember what I told you back on Dunia a few months back? I kissed dating men goodbye for a block of time. So I’m not entertaining any changes to my timeline.’

‘Forget your timeline, Harlow. Men like Kage don’t come up often on the radar. Besides, you’re ripe for a sexy, hot man to romance you.’

‘Damn. Is this what Kainan has turned you to? A hopeless romantic?’

‘I was always a romantic,’ her friend replied with a grin. ‘He just tipped me over into the hopeless, helpless bit.’

‘I see that,’ Harlow said affectionately, turning the tables on her friend. ‘How’s it going with him?’

Selene’s eyes fluttered shut like she was luxuriating in a thought. She slowly opened them. ‘He’s my everything, Harlow. He brings me so much joy. You can’t imagine the beauty and power of being with a man you’re so deeply connected with on every level. This is why, back to Kage, you should explore whatever is happening with him. He’s a charming, very sexy man, and I have it on good authority that he thinks highly of you.’

‘He’s something else for sure,’ Harlow agreed. ‘Relentless for one.’ She pointed to the now-cooled and much lighter dinner cart.

‘What’s that?’

‘The food he ordered for me tonight.’

‘He ordered food for you? Kage?’ Selene sounded sceptical. ‘Not his usual play.’

Harlow nodded. ‘Believe it. He asked me to dinner tonight. I refused to go because of my immovable timeline. He’d already organised the same menu as the place he wanted to take me to. Because he knew I wouldn’t shift on my rule on dating.’

Selene sat up, using her wine glass to punctuate her words. ‘Let me get this straight. Kage asked you to dinner, knowing you would turn him down. Then he surprised you with the same menu here. If that’s not a man thinking highly and romantically of you, I don’t know what is. And if you don’t jump on what he’s offering because of your timeline, he could lose interest and move on.’

‘If he does, he does,’ Harlow shrugged. ‘He’s attractive, no doubt. The food was a clever touch. But I have my principles, and I’m sticking to them. So if he’s worth it, he’ll wait it out.’

‘Bravo, babe,’ Selene said, conceding the point and lifting her glass in respect. ‘Regardless of your hard-core conviction, I have hopes for you both.’

Harlow was suddenly eager to change the subject. ‘Enough about me. How goes it running an entire planet these days? What’s the goss from Parliament? And how’s Rina? It was so good getting to know her at Zulu One during those crazy days of the coup. What’s she up to?’
