Page 63 of Stars At Dusk

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‘Are we -?’

‘We’re safe,kara,’ Kage said, finishing her thought. ‘The Sable Riders are well known down here. And where I’m taking you is why.’

With an arm banded around her waist, he led her past the crush of Edenites. She noted that the Pikani gave Kage respectful nods of acknowledgement and stepped out of his way.

They made their way down an avenue and towards a low-lying building where a small neon sign hang above a doorway. It spelled out ‘Sable CYC’. Next to it was a sign with the initials ‘NEC’.

‘Welcome to the Sable Community Youth Centre and the New Eden Centre,’ Kage expanded for her. Then, with his hand on the small of her back, he stepped them through the front doors and into a reception area. The space was airy and large and featured a wide corridor that ended off into different rooms. She heard the sounds of tapping feet, a dance class in session, the clash of musical instruments in practice and the slap of bodies in exercise.

‘Remember the charity brawl?’ Kage said softly into her ear. ‘This is what we raise money for. The CYC is a community-based organisation offering education, care and support to vulnerable youth and children throughout the Pika communities. We focus on early interventions that empower young people and strengthen communities. The NEC is next door. It’s a shelter that provides food and temporary housing for those in need. Both projects aim to grow the local community’s positive development and give equal access to education, healthcare, food and shelter.’

Kage walked her deeper into a corridor with the CYC sign.

‘What else do you do here?’ Harlow asked.

‘We offer tech training, life skills education, engineering and life skills ed. Plus, classes in music, fine art, dance, drama and my favourite,kapocombat.’

‘How many kids do you work with?’

‘Over three hundred. All training is completed in single cohorts per year. They get taught hands-on skills relevant to the job market, and we also offer scholarships, mentorship and apprenticeships via workshops, seminars, and one-on-one tutoring. The centre is linked to credible school, drug counselling, youth justice support, life skills and employment programs. It’s also a social and community events hub, providing a safe space for young people to connect and engage with their peers, and most importantly have some serious fun together.’

‘Someone’s crammed the brochure,’ she teased him. ‘But it’s impressive. Who runs the place?’

Kage waved to a group of people huddled behind a reception desk. They grinned and returned his wave before looking back to their holo board behind them which showcased a detailed schedule.

‘They do. Those are some of our instructors planning their next classes, no doubt. Led by several centre managers employed from the local community.’

‘What do you do?’

‘Run a fewkapoclasses, fund the centre, oversee its finances with Zane.’

‘That’s all?’

‘That’s the gist of it.’

‘So where’s your halo, Kage?’

He grinned at her snark. ‘Don’t hate me because I’m beauty,kara!’ he shot right back.

‘I wouldn’t use the word hate. So far from it,’ she said softly, her eyes glimmering at him. She felt the rush of emotion between them and sensed Kage did too. ‘Seriously, how do you do it all?’

He shrugged, almost shyly. ‘Honestly, Sable Heavy Industries runs itself. Especially with Mirage on board. She’s automated most of it. After a few years, I had a lot of free time. So I taught myself to cook well, and when that wasn’t enough, I put my skills at the centre, cooking for the NEC andkapotraining here at CYC. That said, all my extracurricular activities have evolved because I’m a restless man. I don’t sit still. I don’t know how.’

Suddenly there was the sound of rushing feet.

‘Shadow!’ A few voices cried out. Harlow turned to see a trio of teen boys rush them. They swept past her and hugged Kage, thumping him on his back with ease and familiarity.

Harlow watched as the group of kids mobbed him with questions.

‘Please show as a proper martelo,’ one of the young men begged earnestly.

‘Tibo, you want me to leave a beautiful lady by her solo so I can show you a move?’ Kage teased the young man.

Tibo grimaced as he realised Harlow’s presence. ‘Sorry,khandidn’t see your lady there.’

‘Don’t mind me,’ Harlow said graciously. ‘Go ahead and show them what they want.’

‘Ko’sawawith you?’ Kage probed.
