Page 79 of Stars At Dusk

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Her eyes immediately narrowed, sensing his mood. ‘What’s wrong?’ she said, moving towards him across his office’s matte black floors.

She rounded his desk, reached his side, and gently touched his arm.

He felt her care, and his body reacted, his heart racing. He pressed a button on his desk, and the door to his office slid shut, the plex privacy walls clouding over.

‘You worried for me,kara?’ he asked softly, rising to his feet.

‘Didn’t see you all day. Not like you, Kage.’

He took a deep breath and pushed it out slowly between his lips. ‘Something on my mind, beautiful.’

‘Care to share?’

He huffed softly, then shook his head. ‘Not right now. Maybe later.’

She accepted his explanation with a nod. Then, he reached for her waist and pulled her into his embrace.

‘You OK?’ he asked.

‘Doing good. I came to tell you that we’re closer to launching the suborbital test vehicle. Few more days. Need you to block off time in your calendar.’

‘That’s good news, love,’ he said distractedly. ‘Send me a few possible dates.’

‘Will do.’

He lowered his head with a question in his eyes.

She gave him his answer, lifting a hand to pull his head down towards her.

Their lips met with a clash of heat.

He pulled, sucked and bit her lushness, and she did the same. Soon they were twisting against each other with need.

Her hands trailed through his blue-black hair and down gently over his silver temple and ridged scars before sinking her fingers into his lush hair.

He undid the buttons on her jumpsuit and slid his hand onto her chest. He cupped her full heavy breast, then slipped under her bra, pulling at her nipple urgently.

She gasped and pushed her chest closer to him. He pushed aside the lace of her bra and released her beauty. The purple sapphire pendant she always wore swung between the two lush mounds.

Seconds later, his hot lips left hers and surged over one tight, hot bud.

He suckled and licked her nipple, and she moaned, holding onto Kage for purchase, as her legs gave way under her.

He was there to catch her, his thick arm snaking around her waist to pull her up, giving him more of her satiny, full tits.

‘Kage,’ she groaned.

He throbbed impossibly hard in his pants, so close was he to losing control.

Just then, his wrist comm vibrated.

‘Damn,’ he groaned against Harlow’s skin. ‘What?’

‘Apologies, Kage, it’s Mirage. Ourkinaiis on the move.’

‘Not now,’ he ground out, pulling his head from Harlow’s delectable nipple. He took a deep breath and leaned over to kiss her softly.

‘I have to go,kara.’
