Page 81 of Stars At Dusk

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After a short pause, Mirage responded.Naam, Kage, sending you overhead visuals of the two men now.

Kage tapped into his neural node and accessed the feed. He saw the unknown man shout into his mark’s ear, who looked around, fear on his face. Then with shaking hands, he handed over the small flash drive.

Immediately, the stranger slotted it into his comm tab reader.

We’re in,Mirage said after a beat.I’m now unleashing my codes to access our new player’s systems.

The newcomer nodded, first to the young man before him, before slicing his eyes to the man lounging on the far-off wall. Then, he abruptly turned and fought his way out of the arena.

What do we do now with this new bolo?Mirage asked.

Track him, hack him. Find everything you can about the new guy. Also, keep an eye on Ruben and where he goes or does next. Meanwhile, I’ve got a bone to pick.

Kage waited a moment and watched as Ruben sidled away from the arena and disappeared. His quarry, clearly terrified, paused for a beat before hustling out.

Kage thundered down the raised steps of Raha’s fight club arena for the second time in as many days.

He caught up to his mark in the long dark corridor leading to the entrance. After ensuring they were truly alone, he rushed the young man, who was hurrying off. Kage flung himself forward and body-slammed the fleeing man to the wall.

The young man yelped in terror, trying to fight off his invisible attacker.

‘Aran shut the hell up. It’s me!’ Kage ground out.

‘Khan!’ Aran said in relief, his body slacking, then realising he’d been busted, his face tightened with even more dread.

‘Get to the san rooms now!’ Kage ordered.

He pushed Aran forward, keeping his hands on the young man’s cuff.

They soon lumbered into a filthy cloakroom along one side of Raha’s beer hall.

Kage threw Aran into a stall and then cased the bathroom for any patrons. It was empty, so he threw an old chair against the door to hold it shut. He turned his stealth mode off and stalked back to the stall where Aran sat looking down on the floor, contemplating his poor life choices.

Kage stared at his intern for a long, enraged moment.

‘You know what you’ve done?’ he finally asked.

Aran nodded with shame. ‘Naam, khan.’

‘You know the severity of stealing from Sable?’

‘Naam,’ the young man said sadly.

Kage there up his arms in frustration. ‘Kwani? Why throw it all away for this shit?’

Aran struggled to find his words. Finally, he spoke, low and defeated. ‘That man, Ruben, spotted me working for Harlow at Skylab. Followed me here one night last week,khan. He offered me loads of schill to steal her work. I refused. But then he paid somekinaisto follow me home. They broke into our hut and threatened to beat me up coz I refused. Also, they took mymamin.’

Kage whistled under his breath. ‘Took her where?’

‘Don’t know. Said she’d be free once I handed over the drive. They already pinged me with her location. That’s why I need to go now,khan. To see if she OK.’

‘What a clusterfokk!’ Kage cursed. ‘You said thekinaiswho got yourmaminjust pinged you?’


‘Call her.’

Aran looked up uncertainly, then did as was asked.
