Page 88 of Stars At Dusk

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Mirage, patch into weapons on the corvette. We have minimal thrust. I have Aura’s guns on the ready to blast the roof off and also to defend.

On it.

I’ll head out and support Riv.Kage exited the corvette shortly and glided to join his fellow Rider on the ground. Both men were cloaked and in stealth mode.

What do we have?

Six marks. Human. They’ve just exited their flyers out front. Four in armoured suits, two in civvies. They’re carrying.

Anything substantial?

Nothing we can’t handle.

Mirage interrupted.Riv, something odd about these kinais. I’ve run their faces through our large-scale facial recog software and identified them in their database. What’s strange is that under their skin, beards and what looks like very clever disguises, they all have the same biology and musculature.

What in the actual?Kage blurted.

They’re clones — copies of each other. What’s more interesting is that their facial structure is precisely the same as one kinai we’re already familiar with.

Who?Riv ground out.

One Ruben Rinnax.

Fokk. He’s one of many?

Seems so. I’m pulling up all aliases and possible matches with dangerous individuals across our database. The Rinnax clones have been tagged across the System as undesirables and criminals who’ve frequented a few high-risk locations where serious crimes have occurred. So be careful, Riders; they’ve been suspected of corporate hits and even a few political assassinations.

Damn,Kage interjected.That’s why Ruben looked familiar all along. He’s a fellow clone to the kinai who tried a number on Harlow in Axuma. That kalifu must have been a Rinnax clone as well.

Also, Riders,Mirage continued.About the two suits outside. One registers as Faron Rinnax, the CEO of this place. The other is Garan Rinnax, his official brother. He’s the kinai Kage spotted at Raha, who took our data to Rhesia. Seems Ruben makes up the trio, the marbles of Rinnax Holdings. The other four seem to be their base clones, soldiers with fewer decision-making abilities.

Strange set up,Kage noted.

Just then, the blast doors of the warehouse eased open.

The four armoured lackeys entered, slinking along the walls like they thought they were being discreet. But, to Kage and Riv, they were lit up like Enia’s lumi-bright trees and just as clumsy.

How are we playing this?Riv said, slightly bored.

Mirage answered him.I’ve got the max data I can from their systems. I’m going to release a kill code now. I’m also in control of the damaged corvette. Once you’re ready, and at my count, I’ll use the rail guns to blast the roof away. I’m directly above Glimmer and will send a tractor beam down immediately. You two must be on board that gunship before I can fly.

Are we going to leave these clowns here?Riv interdicted.They stole from us. Shouldn’t we at least bundle them up and find out why?

Nada,Kage countered.Don’t need to expend effort. And if we nab them, we won’t know who’s behind them unless we torture them, and that’s not the Sable way. So let’s plant some trackers on these kinais and see where they lead us. I’m especially interested in the two suits out front. They’re running this show.

Riv jerked his chin in agreement.Mirage, give us another five,he instructed.


The two Riders worked fast. They flitted past the unsuspecting clones who uncannily looked like Ruben and headed outside to the front of the warehouse.

Unseen, they approached the two lead strangers, keeping to the dark shadows of the building. Riv and Kage shared a glance then they both pulled tiny dart guns from their meta armour.

They aimed carefully at the pair’s exposed skin between their head and shoulders. Then they fired. A tiny microchip the size of a dust mote launched from the projectile. The motes, operating as a single-chip system, came with their own electronic circuit. They pierced imperceptibly, implanting under the skin, and the metanoid tech they were based on, healed the skin almost instantly. The mote chip disappeared, untraceable due to the inbuilt stealth tech.

The two clones jerked. They whirled around, looking for purchase. But there was none to be found.

‘Felt that?’ one of them said, having sensed the movement of air close to them.
