Page 94 of Stars At Dusk

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‘What else can I do for you?’

Harlow stopped in the middle of the street. It was well-lit, and a few people trailed the avenue’s sidewalks, but she didn’t recognise a single landmark.

‘Can you show me how to get from where I am back to The Sable Group complex?’

‘But of course, Harlow. I’ll bring up your map on your wrist comm and show you how to get home.’

Home.The sound of that one word instantly brought tears to Harlow’s eyes. Home meant family. Family was the one thing she hadn’t had all her life, but suddenly the thought of The Sable Group complex being her home imbued her with deep longing.Could she one day call it her home?There was so much riding on that thought. It only made her miss Kage’s strong arms and calming, deep voice even more.

‘Is he back?’ Harlow whispered to Mirage as the map led her to her destination. ‘Kage?’

‘He’s on his way. In fact, he’s quite close to landing at the spaceport. Do you want me to inform him about this evening?’

Harlow gulped. ‘No, Mirage, please. He’ll only worry. We’ve dealt with it ourselves, haven’t we?’

‘We have, Harlow. However, he may go ballistic if he finds out we’ve kept this from him. Kainan does the same with Selene. I’m commanded to report to them on anything regarding their significant others.’

‘Significant? I’m not significant to Kage.’

‘I beg to differ,’ Mirage said. ‘He spends much time and thought on you, Harlow. So perhaps you should reconsider how significant he is to you.’

Harlow found herself laughing.Was she being schooled by an AI on love and relationships? Damn.

‘What’s so amusing, Harlow?’

‘Nothing Mirage. You’re one incredible AI, that’s for sure.’

‘I know,’ Mirage said, with a wink in her voice.

Finally, Harlow saw a landmark she recognised—the familiar outline of the high-rise buildings of the Sable complex.

‘Thank you, Mirage. For helping me find my way back safely.’

‘Always. I’ll let you go now.’

‘Thank you,’ Harlow said.

A soft tone pinged, indicating Mirage had signed out.

Harlow paused for a moment looking at the lobby of 517. Then she heard soft, slow music and laughter from across the street.

The neon lights above The Osirian Club twinkled at her, and she suddenly felt the urge for a long, cold drink to get over the madness of the evening.

She crossed the street determinedly.


Below The Osirian’s neon holo sign was a security panel ensconced in the thick wall. Harlow stared at it for a long moment, then, on a whim, swiped her wrist comm over it.

She stepped back in surprise when the heavy wide wooden door swung open.

She nervously walked into a sumptuous dining and bar area. Heady with the scent of cigars, delicious food and the rich malty aroma of brew and aged liquor. She spotted a high reception desk lit with low, warm sconces.

A powerful-looking hulk appeared behind the desk, gazing down at her. He coolly assessed her with his deep black eyes, then looked down at the comm tab in his hand.

‘Miss Harlow Meridian?’ he asked in an impossibly deep voice.

‘Yes,’ she confirmed, taking a deep breath to hide her nervousness.
