Page 110 of Stars on Fire

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Just then, she saw something ripple in the air along the beach.

She felt her heart lurch, first in fear and then wild hope.

The empty air above the sands shimmered and flickered, slowly revealing a dark, sleek corvette that had been set down on the sand for a while.

Her pulse hammered, her eyes transfixed on the beach.

The corvette’s door materialised against the matte radar-absorbing skin. Light spilled from the interior of the ship as its air bridge unfolded.

She clutched the railing on the balcony as a figure stepped down and then sat on a step halfway to the ground. She couldn’t see his features from this far away, but she could see his profile looking straight at her through the dancing shadows and low silver light bouncing off Eden II, high in the night sky above.

Kainan. He’d waited. For her.

They stared at each other for the longest time across the expanse of the garden and the sands beyond.

Then Selene moved. She strode from the balcony, forcing herself to breathe slowly and move calmly. She grabbed a shawl from the hallway cupboard and ran down the stairs leading to the backdoor.

Then she was outside.

Where her resolve and calm demeanour crumbled.

Bare feet flew across cobblestones, grass and then sand.

Moments later, she came to the foot of the air bridge and looked up.

Where Kainan was waiting. Seated on a step, his hands loosely resting on his knees.

With a bottle of Galician whiskey in one hand and two glasses on the step above him. His sapphire gold eyes glinted in the dark, and his mouth quirked as he gazed at her.

‘You waited,’ she stated, almost accusatory, as she pulled her shawl closer around her shoulders.

‘I said I’d wait.’ His voice was gravelly, low. ‘Did you doubt me,khamila?’

‘I thought you’d left. For Eden II.’

He shook his beautiful dark head for a moment. ‘We’d unfinished business, remember? A conversation we needed to have?’

She nodded. ‘True. But what if I hadn’t come out of my residence tonight?’

‘I’d have broken down the doors and come for you.’

‘You’d have caused a diplomatic incident.’

‘Nada. I’d have silenced your guards long before they’d call for help.’

‘Ruthless,’ she commented with a half smile.

His lips twitched once more. ‘Always, when it comes to you.’

He twisted his upper body and reached for one of the glasses on the step behind him. Then he poured out a snifter of whiskey. He handed the glass to her.

She mounted the air bridge steps to reach for it. Their fingers touched as she wrapped her hands around it, and she felt a jolt of pure electricity between them.

She found herself settling her body next to his.

They drank from their glasses wordlessly for a long moment.

Then she sliced her eyes to his and found him looking at her with such longing that her core clenched.
