Page 137 of Stars on Fire

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Moments passed before the Eminence swivelled his transparent carapace skull, and the strange gold orbs fell on Kainan in an unflinching stare.

‘The time has come, protege. To teach you the ultimate lesson. No one steals from The Technocracy, and no one denies us anything. We are here to retake what’s ours.’

‘You don’t say,’ Kainan shot back.

He pulled off his helmet and then unzipped his meta suit.

He stepped out of it slowly, carefully.

‘What are you doing?’ the Eminence called out, pointing a gold arm to the man undressing before him.

The Edenite ignored the demand, removing every article of clothing until he stood before the bemused crats in his shorts and nothing else.

He tossed his meta suit and helmet to the level below. They fell at The Eminence’s feet.

‘Have at it,’ Kainan drawled. ‘All our secrets, technology, and all the fokk we’ve been up to for the last twenty-odd years. It’s all in there. In the metanoids, the chips, and the neural network. You’ll find it all.’

The Eminence jerked its skull in a triumphant cackle. ‘At last! You’ve realised they were ours all along!’

It gestured, and two of its fellow crats grabbed hold of the suit and helmet. The group turned as if to walk away, only pausing mid-step when Kainan spoke again.

‘But wait, I’m not done,’ he said. ‘There’s one more thing I wish to share with you. The ultimate prize. What your experiments turned me into. The technology you poked and prodded me for, that you tortured and twisted my body for, causing me years of unbearable pain and misery. You could never have known how much of what you pumped into me would mutate and produce entirely new, immeasurably powerful structures in my DNA. It’s all right here. Inside me. It’s this gift that I want to share with you.’

The Eminence’s gold orbs lit up with eagerness and greedy joy. ‘Excellent, protege. We will take it all. Show it to us.’

‘With pleasure,’ Kainan said softly.

He extended his arms out. Tendrils of white, red, gold, sapphire, and silver stirred under his skin. The white-hot, red and sapphire heat spread across his entire body. Then it leaked onto his hair and fingers and feet.

His molten eyes blazed just before his entire body combusted.

The extreme temperature sucked the oxygen from the room, searing the air.

‘What are you doing?’ The Eminence shouted, panicking at the sight of the unexpected transformation. ‘Stop this now. We’ve seen enough.’

A whisper came from the whirlwind of fire that was Kainan. ‘I cannot be stopped. In case you forgot, you denied me, my continued existence, and my choice of what forever would look like. So I’m going to deny you yours.’

A whirlwind began to form under and around the resulting form of flame and blazing tongues of energy.

The crats crouched to escape the intense rising heat that scorched their carapaces.

The pair who’d clutched his meta suit and helmet combusted when their nuclear batteries heated to over 2000 degrees. The sudden increase in temperature caused a radioactive explosion that consumed them instantly.

The rest of the crats swivelled their gold and transparent skulls in horror at witnessing the obliteration of their fellow beings. They tried to escape, but a turbulent wind kicked up, forming whirling eddies of air that turned into a tornado-like vortex that sucked them to it, an energy so powerful they couldn’t escape it.

The vortex began to move across the bridge like a fire tornado. Howling, the crats were sucked into the whirling, burning core and rotating flames. Bulkheads were uprooted, stations sucked in and spawned into blazing spouts of energy.

The Eminence tried to hold on to a handrail, but it melted in his hands. He screamed before he, too, was caught up in the mesocyclone-like updraught rotation of the plume, disintegrating into it.

The super blaze spread rapidly to the rest of the ship. It ignited the temporary nuclear batteries the crats had been utilising to shield themselves on Deck 3. They exploded dramatically, adding to the high heat. It burnt entire decks to a crisp, travelling swiftly down the gigantic air draft. Before long, it reached engineering. When it touched the antimatter drive, it melted. Seconds later, the ship’s engine imploded on itself.

The core of the pyrocumulonimbi on deck three flamed against the bridge’s viewscreen, melting the thick sheet of alloy glass. This pushed the flaming supercell into space, where 50 Technocracy capital ships hovered.

They fired listlessly at the fiery nebula rushing toward them but to no avail.

The pyroclastic storm tore through space, taking out ship after ship.

They ruptured, blew apart and exploded like fireworks against the dark void of space, reducing into microscopic energy atoms. For a moment, it seemed space itself contracted due to the massive energy being parsed through it.
