Page 151 of Stars on Fire

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She parted her legs provocatively in response. He shot her an appreciative smirk and crawled to her, pausing between her thighs, dragging his sapphire gold eyes over her lush curves.

‘You’re so beautiful, woman. Maybe you were the one killing me all along.’

‘It goes both ways, lover.’

He leaned over and, with a grin, dived. He took possession of her core with his lips, tongue, and power to draw deep into her centre. Her clit fired, and she bucked, trying to jack herself against his mouth.

He pushed her hips back and continued his lashing.

She blew, jerking so hard she felt her back crack with the energy and passion coursing through it.

He continued his assault until she came again, flooding his mouth with her essence. He lapped it up as she mewled and thrashed across the bed, soaking in her sweat.

Sated, Kainan rose and crept over her, dragging his thick cock over her skin. She reached for it and stroked him long and slow. He moaned, his lips finding hers in a deep sensual exchange.

‘Khaji,’ she invited, sliding the tip of his cock across her clit and into her slit, flushed and heated for him.

He lifted himself off her, flipped her over and caressed her satiny cheeks, sinking long fingers into wet readiness.

She cried out impatiently. ‘Please, Kainan! I need you.’

It was all the encouragement he needed. He positioned himself then sunk into her, first slow and achingly tantalising, before relentlessly driving into her.

She bucked with passion as he rode and made electrifying love to her.

The chimeric colours of his body flashed brightly against the bedroom wall, in cadence with his impaling power.

Then they imploded, falling together as the maglev train of ecstasy they were chasing hit them with a power so intense they both roared.

Later, they lay heart-to-heart, wrapped tightly in each other’s arms.

‘Khamila,’ Kainan said softly, ‘I found out something from Mirage just the other day. She discovered the name ‘Selene’ is an old Earth and ancient Greek word for the moon. In Greek and Roman religion, she was the personification of the lunar goddess. According to Hesiod’s Theogony, her parents were the Titans Hyperion and Theia; her brother was Helios, the sun god; her sister was Eos, the dawn. Her lover was Endymion, whom she bore with fifty daughters. One version of the story says that Selene placed Endymion in eternal sleep to prevent him from dying and to keep him forever beautiful.’

Selene smiled lazily against his lips. ‘So you’re my Endymion.’

‘A version of him, it would seem.’

‘How true,’ Selene said, amazed. ‘I stood beside you in Dunia’s waters and begged for your healing. You went into a deep sleep which eventually brought you back to us whole.’

‘And for that, I’ll be eternally grateful,’ Kainan murmured, nipping her mouth gently.

Selene laughed. ‘The myth is right about one thing. I could live like this forever,’ she whispered with a sweet smile.

His mouth softened. ‘Naam. I could too. Given the myth also says you’re the mother of fifty, what can I look forward to? A gaggle of curly-haired, honey-skinned babies?’

She pulled away from him and sat up, eyes wide with joy. ‘Really?’

‘Of course,khamila,’ he growled. ‘I want babies with you. I want to create my forever with you.’

Selene felt her womb clench with longing. She traced a finger from his forehead to his lips. ‘Can we order them with sapphire and gold eyes?’

‘I bet if we ask Dunia nicely, we may even get our wish. Apparently, we’re both in favour. Of an entire planet.’

‘It might just work,’ she said. ‘Dunia can be wildly generous.’

After a beat, she spoke again. ‘Khaji, this may sound sickly sweet and sentimental,’ she whispered. ‘But you are truly my forever.’

He gave a small laugh and pulled her even tighter to him. ‘I’ll give you even more sentimentality,khamila. If this is my forever, I’m glad I almost had to die for it.’
