Page 154 of Stars on Fire

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Yes, to herself.

Yes, to a new life and yes, to new possibilities.


Harlow, twenty years later

A triple chocolate, yuzu sorbet ice cake. Laced with coconut crumbles and nazua nectar. Served with a side of Calasian vanilla ice cream.

That’s all she’d wanted out of this night.

All she’d got so far was this nightmare of a douche waxing lyrical about his douchey world.

She wasn’t there for his doucherie.

She hadn’t been all about it two days ago when he asked her on their fourth date. Just as she’d contemplated breaking it off with him.

During the call, he’d confirmed that he’d secured a table at the most coveted restaurant in the city.

With its famed triple chocolate, yuzu sorbet and coconut ice cake.

So she’d reluctantly agreed, knowing the menu would be sensational.

The company, not so much.

But it would not be savvy of an avid food connoisseur like herself to turn down a table at House M’Osia Axuma. And also, because she was hoping Ziemer would redeem himself, she gave him one more shot.

So here they were. Working through the main course.

Well, more like she was working through it, and he was waxing lyrical. On and on and on. Her head throbbed from the self-indulgent chatter coming from across the table.

‘ - My father and I also established Domino Gaming - and we made millions selling it to our rivals -’

Thank Dunia, this would soon be over.Because no matter how much Ziemer tried, they’d never be enough anecdotes to get to the exciting part of this one-sided conversation.

The yakimono on Harlow’s plate was delicious. So that’s where she focused all her senses instead of glowering at the man sitting across from her.

Because he’d done zero to redeem himself, in fact, he was reeling deep in the negatives. He’d kicked off the date by ogling her butt. Followed by trying to tap it as she’d entered the taxi flyer. She’d used a classic bag deflect to get him off her ass.

That was when she should have cut and run.

But she had three good reasons.

First of all, she was starving.

Second, bookings at House M’Osia Axuma were harder to get these days than a purple-haired miniature goat - all the rage as the newest pet must-have from the slopes of New Tibet.

Finally, that triple chocolate, yuzu sorbet and coconut ice cake.

‘What do you think of our little war?’ Ziemer practically shouted across the table to get her attention. That was the first question he’d asked her all night, just when she’d finessed the art of blocking out his voice.

She shook her head, irritated at his interruption of her yakimono moment. ‘I haven’t noticed it much. The Free Dunia Coalition was able to keep Axuma secure. So we’re relatively safe.’

The battle for Dunia’s control had hardly touched her home town. People still went about their everyday business as usual. Shops were trading, open-air markets were vibing, and restaurants like these were still bustling. Even the promenade beside Lake Axuma overflowed with families and children soaking in the joys of a balmy summer. For many, the war raging in the capital city, New Malindi, was limited to their news holo screens. Far from sight, further from mind.

‘I think Massimo Makori got the short end of the stick,’ Ziemer droned on. ‘The Free Dunia Collective orwhatchamacallit, refuse to see how much good he’s brought this planet.’

Harlow paused, her fork mid-air above a delicate kelp salad. ‘Are you telling me that you were supporting that traitor? The one who made deals with a xentium-hungry empire of crats to try and take over our planet? Are you for real?’
