Page 87 of Stars on Fire

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He felt an intense desire to close his eyes and sleep forever.

There was a long silence before the whisper returned. ‘We are those who conceal ourselves from the mind of man but reveal ourselves to his heart.’

The waves lapped against his body, lulling him to pure relaxation and stillness.

‘You need healing,’ the voice continued.

‘Where will I find healing?’ Kainan groaned.

‘Dunia not only vanquishes its enemies but its forests and waters are full of the remedy you need.’

‘You can’t heal what I have,’ Kainan slurred. ‘It’s unfathomable.’

‘When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you. So return to us when you’re ready to believe,’the quiet voice said.

Silence fell once more in the grotto, and Kainan lost all track of time.

Eventually, he felt a slight bump from a wave, and the waters slowly reduced the rocking massage of his body.

After a few long minutes, he sensed a release of energy and shifted his body, swimming to the edge to pull himself out.

He sat on the flagstones for a moment, feeling deeply refreshed.

That’s when he looked down at his wrist. To where an old scar had once snaked its way across his hand. His eyes rose at the sight of the baby smooth skin.

He thought for a moment, then shook his head.

‘Impossible,’ he whispered.

He gazed at the water and wondered how it had lured him earlier.

Or had he been that exhausted? From sleepless nights spent thinking about one enticing woman on the one hand and the battle ahead of them on another.

All of that, plus the growing dread of his diminishing existence.

With his present cares rushing back into his mind, Kainan did what was second nature to him. He blocked out all apprehension and focused on the task at hand.

‘Mirage?’ he called out, shrugging back into his armoured suit and strapping his wrist comm back on. ‘You still in orbit?’

‘Naam,khosi,’ came the prompt response.

‘Please fetch me. I’ll be waiting on the orbital landing pad at Zulu One.’

‘Copy. On my way,’ the AI confirmed.

He dragged his helmet on and jogged out of the visually stunning grotto.

‘Where is her Excellency?’ he asked the AI, almost too casually.

‘She’s presently at the enclave’s command centre.’

‘Sante. Please keep tabs on her covertly, and report any changes to her status immediately.’

‘Khosi. Will do. Do you want an updated report on your status?’

Kainan shook his head impatiently as he ate up the distance between himself and the orbital launch pad. ‘What do you mean?’

‘While your chimera cells are still in flex, I’m seeing an increase in the levels of healthy blood cells, positive cardiac biomarkers, a higher oxygen count and a lower overall body temp.’
