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"As a matter of fact, I think he did," I say, still blushing and silently grateful that my older brother has been generous in understanding all my nervousness and anxiety. He can see it as an obvious sign that I’m embarrassed to have things come out the way they did with Parker and me.

"My mother has insisted that she's coming to see us at the end of fashion week. She says she wants to talk to both of us," I say with an unenthused smile on my lips.

Parker nods silently and pauses as the waiter presents us with our appetizer. There are some assorted canapés that look delicious, though frankly, I have no appetite.

"I had hoped she would. Eleanor has always been a determined woman, and even more so where you are concerned." He looks at me then, as if assessing me. The intensity of his gaze does nothing but make me more nervous.

Like a wolf, or perhaps a high-level businessman, such as he is, Parker folds his hands and calmly observes me.

"Tell me what's truly bothering you."

"I'm lying to everyone," I say, my words rushed together as guilt tears at me. "Everyone I care about, and for what?"

"We already cleared that up."

I refuse to budge. I stubbornly deny his dismissal as I glare at him.

"I don't know if advancing my brand is worth that much, if this is the way to do it," I say, my tone firm.

"It's not just for your brand. It's also for your family’s reputation," Parker says, and to my surprise, he takes my hand.

He is looking at me with softer eyes that are a little calmer as well, completely disarming me, which is perhaps his goal.

"Think about how their well-being also lies in their belief that our connection was more than just a one-night stand, a rumor that affects them and tarnishes the Gould reputation. With this story, we maintain the image that our thing has been a secret because we like our privacy and we have tried to defend it. At the end of the day, if our relationship doesn't work out, it won't be as shocking as the media might make it seem, if your family feels like they’re being kept in the loop."

"I don't know," I say, sighing as I put a hand to my temple; my head aching.

Parker is good at playing the perfect fiancé role, at least so far. He takes my hand and brings it to his lips, kissing each of my knuckles softly.

Immediately, my heart begins to race. Just having him there, in front of me, is enough to make my heart skip a beat, but if we add to that the fact that his mouth is in contact with my skin, it is enough to make my brain short-circuit.

"I know this is all very complicated for you now, Penny, and I apologize for that. I shouldn't have let what happened last night happen, but I'm doing my best to make amends and keep your reputation intact."

Internally, I’m somewhat disappointed to think that he is sorry for what happened yesterday. I don't want that to be the case. Rather the opposite, I want him to think that being with me is exceptional.

No, realistically, that isn't going to happen in a million years.

Parker isn't in love with me, and if I want to get out of this whole mess unscathed, I can’t fall in love with him either.

"I know, it's just— it's complicated. Give me time. I have to adjust to the story we’re spinning."

"I know it's fucked up, but I also trust that you can do it."

He drops my hand, and we spent some time eating in silence. The food is delicious, just as Parker told me it would be, but I’m not very hungry, so I take a few bites of this and that to pass the time.

Finally, after we both decide we are finished with our meals, my gaze and Parker's meet.

"Well," I ask him, "What's supposed to happen now?"

He wipes his full lips with a napkin. "What happens is we pretend to be the perfect couple. At least for a while. We'll date, we'll go out, we'll let ourselves be seen among high society to foster the idea that we're madly in love with each other."

Part of me thinks it won't all be pretend. I know what it is like to be madly in love with that hateful and addictive human being, so I won't have to pretend as much as he will.

"Okay, but as long as it doesn't take time away from my work at the show."

"It won't take that time away from you. We both have our jobs to devote ourselves to. But maybe you will have to let yourself be seen with me a lot more than you planned to during your personal time. Especially this afternoon."

"This afternoon? Why?" I ask, sensing from his tone of voice that he is hiding something from me.
