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"Penny, I— I'm sorry," I start to say as I nervously run my fingers through my hair. "I told you, I used to be a bastard who was fed up with the world, and I took my frustrations out on you. I'm sorry I ruined your dreams like that."

"You didn't ruin them," she says with a big smile. "You just gave them a new direction."

Sure of herself, as if it is nothing, she starts walking away to give Sarah directions. As I watch her leave I think about how her designs are inspired by her own experience. She, like the butterflies that had transformed, is emerging from her chrysalis and revealing to the world what a stunning work of art she is.

And in a way, I’m lucky to be able to admire her progress up close. It is a stroke of luck that I will not allow anyone to take away from me, though at the time I can not comprehend how deeply I’m clinging to the idea of staying by Penny's side.

Chapter twenty


"Okay!"Isayexcitedlyto the next model, who fits like a glove in the piece I envisioned her being perfect for, one of my best works for the runway show.

"I want you to raise your arms at the end of the runway, as if you are going to take flight, and then take a bow," I say to the girl, who is nodding all the time, paying the utmost attention to my words.

"Oh what on earth is that?" an annoying voice says very close to us, managing to shake me out of my state of peace and harmony.

Turning around, I discover Brittany, who has resumed her work. For the first few days after the news broke that Parker and I are together and ostensibly pregnant, the model disappeared from the public eye, as if the earth itself had swallowed her up, making my job much quieter, and almost perfect.

But eventually, over time, she had resurfaced, and not satisfied with simply criticizing my designs, the model sought every little opportunity to pick on me personally.

Convinced that all Brittany had is a case of chronic tantrums, just like a little girl would have, I have made up my mind that it is best to ignore her. But if I had thought that would be possible, I’m proven dead wrong. By any means necessary, Brittany keeps trying to break me down, over and over again.

So, I stand at the ready as the tall, attractive blonde approaches me while giving her most exaggerated look of disdain yet toward the dress my model is wearing.

"Really, you plan to present that at fashion week? It's hideous!" she cries.

I sigh as I turn away, convinced that getting into an argument with her will only wear me down, so I choose instead to continue directing my model.

"The idea is that you stay in that position for at least a second or two, to allow the guests to view the details of the dress properly."

"Hey, are you even listening to me?" Brittany keeps saying behind my back.

"I don't think I understand, Penny, do you want me to bend forward while standing with my arms outstretched?" the model asks me.

"Yes, just like that. Let me show you."

Just as I expect the model to, I walk down the runway, acting like I’m the one modeling my designs myself.

"Hey!" Brittany is still shouting at me, but I try my best to ignore her. She is insistent on making things difficult for me.

"Stop acting like you don't hear me!" she yells, even following me all the way down the runway.

I’m not paying attention to her, as I just want to show my model the way she has to pose when it is time to close the runway show, but Brittany has other plans for me.

"Stop acting like you're better than everyone else!" she shrieks as she pushes me suddenly.

I hear her take in a breath as I slip and fall off the runway. Her intention is probably not to knock me off balance, but to get my attention. However, I’m still falling.

For a moment, I feel as if the world is floating around me. There is a single instant when everything is blurred and it seems as if the nothingness below welcomes me with open arms.

"Penny!" cries a familiar voice. Parker's melodious cadence is mired in fear.

Out of nowhere, well before I’m aware of what is happening, Parker's arms close around my body, catching me at the precise moment before my body hits the ground.

"Are you okay?" Parker asks breathlessly, studying me as if I am a small doll that might crumble in his hands at any moment.

"I— I am," I assure him.
