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When I return, I find an unpleasant surprise: Penny is gone.

Chapter twenty-two


Fearcreepsupmyspine at the sight of Parker being so upset. I have never, in my life, seen him get so enraged at someone.

Feeling my heart beating a mile a minute, I decide to follow him and Brittany, thinking that anger might have taken over Parker's usually controlled character.

He had dragged Brittany behind the stage, until they reached a somewhat secluded area, and she ripped herself from his grip.

From where I am, I can’t hear their conversation, but I can see the obvious confusion and bitterness on Brittany's face, who has not hesitated to move closer to Parker as he spoke to her. Her hands try to wrap themselves around him as he pulls away in annoyance.

But she keeps insisting, making me wonder if maybe there is still something unresolved between them.

Does Parker still have a secret relationship with Brittany?

The truth is that everyone knows about us by now, because of the news and so on, but I wonder if he is still quietly going about his usual business.

My heart starts pounding, desperate and aching at the thought that maybe the two of them can still be together. At that moment, I want to approach him and ask him about it, but then they change positions and turn their backs to me. Parker seems to move closer to Brittany, and for a moment, a terrible moment, it looks as if they are kissing.

My heart finds a way to pound even harder. Feeling my world crumbling, I pull back, long before the encounter between them is over.

"Hey, are you okay?" Sarah asks as soon as she sees me return to the stage.

"I am," I assure her with a fake smile. "A little dizzy, that's all. I think I'll finish early today and head back to the hotel."

"Do you need me to call a doctor or something?" Sarah asks.

"No, no. You can take it easy. I just need to get some rest," I say warmly.

Without giving her time to question me further, I say goodbye to her, grab my things, and hurriedly walk away from the clandestine flirtation I just witnessed.

The cold New York air greets me as soon as I leave the place, but it feels good, as nausea threatens to make me revisit my breakfast. I suddenly feel very tired and dizzy, and I just want to retreat.

"Penny!" a voice shouts from behind me, causing me to turn around.

Unexpectedly, I find Parker, who is hurrying toward me. His swift footsteps have him catching up to me quickly, and his hand closes around my arm with relief and gentleness.

"Where do you think you're going? Are you all right? Your assistant told me you left early because you were feeling sick."

"I'm just tired," I tell Parker, trying to avoid his gaze.

"Let me take you to the doctor. Maybe you got a concussion from the fall or something."

"No, Parker, please. It's not that. I'm just tired."

He looks at me as if trying to decide whether to believe me or not until finally, he seems to make up his mind.

"All right. Let's go back to the hotel then, I'll drive you."

As he says it, Parker's fingers intertwine with mine. I look at him, nervous and not knowing what to say.

"Parker, don't—"

"No, Penny," he cuts me off. "I'm not leaving you alone. We'll get you to take a break and then, I need you to get yourself together. We're going to have an important night tonight."

"What, why?" I ask blankly as I follow him to his car.
