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"Yes, of course," she says immediately, hugging me tightly. "Anything you need, just call."

I nod, letting her go with my heart cringing in fear and anxiety. Then, I go into the bathroom, trying to mentally prepare myself for whatever result might await me.

Luckily, the test takes less than five minutes to be ready, but for me it is the most agonizingly long five minutes of my life.

After taking the test carefully, I decide to look at the result, knowing that my life will never be the same again, no matter what happens.

"It can't be," I say, covering my lips with one of my hands as I look at the two pink positive lines that the test marked.

So, it is true.I’m pregnant with Parker's baby.

I don't know what to do. I can’t believe that one night of passion had led me to this. But it is obvious that it can happen.

I know I have to tell Parker, but I’m scared of his reaction. It isn't real between us, and unlike how I know I feel, he didn't love me.

How will he take the situation?

Just as I’m deep in thought, the sound of a knock on the door manages to make me jump, and I’m quick to hide the pregnancy test as I rush out to open the door.

Parker is standing in the hall. He has a beaming look on his face, full of happiness, and he looks as handsome as ever.

"Ready for the big night, superstar?" he asks as he handed me a bouquet of roses, all red and gorgeous.

As I look at him, my heart skipped a beat. He is so handsome that I can’t help but feel an attraction to him. I know I can’t hide this from him. I just can’t.

I pick up the flowers, trying to disguise the nerves that are creeping over me, and I try to think of a way to confess the truth to him.

"Thank you," I say softly.

Parker moves closer to me, making me feel lost in his presence. His hands close around my hips in an instant. "You're going to be amazing tonight. I can feel it."

I can’t stop my stomach from churning when he looks at me with such affection. But it is only because of the fear and anxiety behind keeping the truth from him. My thoughts are going a mile a minute.

How was I going to tell him about the baby now?

"Parker," I start to say, but he interrupts me by leaning in and pressing his lips to mine.

I can’t help but respond to his kisses and caresses, and my body melts into his. He is everything I want in a man and more, but I know he isn't mine. Not completely, and maybe he never will be. And that truth tore me up inside.

When we part, he looks at me with concern. "Is something wrong, Penny?"

I shake my head. "No, it's okay. I just have a lot on my mind right now. You know, with the whole fashion show thing and all."

Parker nods, understanding. "I know fashion week can be stressful, but I'll be here for you every step of the way."

I smile at him, but inside I’m dying. I want to tell him the truth, but I don't know if he is ready for it. And I’m not ready to lose him.

"I should get ready for tonight," I say, awkwardly breaking the silence that settles between the two of us. It is all so heavy for me, and I know that I need time to process the whole thing.

But, before I can say anything more, he kisses me passionately again and I can’t resist. Our bodies press against each other and I feel as if nothing else in the world exists.

Parker runs his hands through my hair, his long, firm fingers combing my curls back, as his tongue outlines my lips. And just as it always happened to me as soon as he kisses me, I feel my surroundings erase and there is only him and me in the world.

Moaning softly, I feel him move forward, his hands exploring my body, my hips in the midst of an unsure but persistent invitation of desire. He lifts me up before I’m aware of what is happening, and he carries me to the bed.

His body and mine, eager as they are to meet, undress each other in a passionate frenzy. His tongue begins to run over every bit of my skin, unleashing the deepest and most delicious moans from my lips, as he hurries to undress.

Little by little, he moves up the bed, his hands engulfing my breasts, his legs entangling with mine until finally, he finds the entrance to my intimacy, and with one fluid movement, he enters me, causing me the most pleasurable and sumptuous sensation of satisfaction and fulfillment.
