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For a moment, I stare at the screen, determined not to answer. The call is from Brittany, and I don't want her to ruin this moment for me, but, finally, I decide to answer it, knowing that she probably wouldn't stop insisting until I put an end to this tempestuous situation.

"Brittany," I greet her in a harsh tone, but she immediately begins talking over me.

"It's true then," she says, sounding as if she is in tears. "I saw the way you looked at her tonight. You love her, don't you?"

It is obvious Brittany is talking about Penny.

"Yes, I do," I say.

The crying in her voice becomes more evident. "What does she have that I don't?" she whined.

"That's not what this is about," I tell her, but again, Brittany cuts me off.

"I've been in love with you since I met you, Parker Hamilton. And I've done everything to win you over. Everything. And you choose her over me?"

"I'm sorry, Brittany," I say, knowing I can never love her. I can't see a world in which I’d choose her over Penny.

"Well, I’m going back home now," she continues, sniffling. "I’ll find someone else better than you, and when you realize that stupid Pennywise won’t do anything but make you feel regretful for not making the right choice, don’t come back to me, crying and asking for a second chance."

Suddenly, I feel my blood run cold, like my body knows something is wrong.

"Brittany, where are you?" I ask her as I hear the roar of a car’s engine, and she bursts out in bitter laughter.

"Ah, so now you care?" she scoffs.

"I'm serious," I say, my tone harsh. "Tell me where you are, Brittany."

"I’m driving back to the hotel to pack my things," she says furiously. Just then, I hear metal clashing and Brittany’s phone ricocheting off the inside of a car. I’m certain she has been in a crash.

"Brittany!" I shout, alarmed.

"What's wrong, Parker?" Penny asks, rushing out of the bathroom.

"It's Brittany. I— I've got to go. I'm sorry," I say to Penny in a panic, unable to tell her at that moment the gravity of the situation.

"Wait, what about our plans?" she asks, following after me.

"I'm sorry, but we won't be able to do that tonight." I rush out the door.

I have but a second to see the pain in her expression, but I promise myself that when I return, I will explain everything to her.

For the time being, I make sure to call emergency services as I run, not knowing where she is when Brittany gets into the accident. Being with Penny is all I want in the world, but I won't let Brittany die over me.

As my mind races, I convince myself that Penny will be understanding when I get back. I will finally tell her how I feel, and I will ask her to stay with me for the rest of our days. We will put the lies behind us and be a real couple.

Soon, very soon, I will tell her everything. But right now, I have to act against my own feelings and desires to do what is right.

Chapter twenty-eight


Partofmecan'tbelieve what is happening. I can’t process the idea that Parker is so sweet to me, and that, at last, everything seems to be going well between us.

His gift is beautiful, and it makes me believe that maybe I haven't been imagining that part of my dreams, of my secret hopes, that lead me to imagine that he might want something with me. Something serious, that is.

For the first time in a long time, I have faith in us, so I begin to get ready in a hurry, full of excitement and happiness.

As I’m doing my hair and makeup, I hear Parker talking on the phone in the living room. His voice sounds horrified and he shouts the name of his ex, Brittany. My heart races and I feel a pang of jealousy.
