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"I know you're right," I tell her tearfully, as I bury my face in my hands. "I know you are, but... I love him, Whit, I am madly in love with him. How can I leave him?"

"The same way you always have, when you refused to let others stop you from chasing your dreams. The same way you opened your heart to a new family, even when yours was shattered by the loss of your parents. The world is full of painful experiences, Penny, but beautiful encounters, as well. You are a strong and independent woman, you can get through this, I'm sure," Whitney says firmly.

"I know, but it's hard."

"I know, honey. No one said it would be easy. But you're not alone. I'll always be here to support you. Together, we can get through anything."

"I— I guess you're right," I whisper.

"Of course I am," she says emphatically before teasing me. "Are you trying to tell me I'm not always right?"

"Of course you are," I say, chuckling slightly.

"Listen, Penny," she continues, leaving the joking behind. "You've had enough. You tried with all your heart to make this work, but it obviously didn't. Fashion week is over, and you have to get ready to embark on a wonderful new phase of your life. And I know it’s scary, but you have enough people who love and support you to get you through this."

"What do you suggest I do now?" I ask her.

"Get out of town," she says resolutely. "Don't wait for Parker. Don't wait for him to come back and play with you, undecided between Brittany or you. You're a woman, and we're not up for that childishness. So, get your things and go home. Get some rest, get well, and get ready to go on, the best is about to come."

"I honestly don't know what I'd do without you," I say, knowing that my best friend possesses a strength capable of lifting me out of the worst depressions.

"Luckily, you won't have to find out, " she proclaims, making me smile.

"Okay, I guess you're right. It's time for me to leave. This city has nothing left to offer me," I say, wiping away my tears and standing up. "I'll tell Sarah to stay in charge of sending everything back home. For now, I'm going back to San Francisco."

"That’s it, honey. It will be for the best," she says.

I bid my best friend a fond farewell, and without much explanation to my mother, I tell her to cancel her flight, which was scheduled for the next day, to New York, as I’m returning home as soon as possible. Luckily, Mom is relieved enough to know I’m coming back not to object or ask too many questions, so she agrees with hardly any issues.

I head over to my closet then and start grabbing clothes. Sorting through the pieces, I try to put my thoughts on something other than Parker or our last encounter.

In the end, I know Whitney is right, it is time to leave that toxic relationship in the past and move on with my life and my baby.

With one last sigh, I take off the beautiful necklace Parker gave me, along with the fake engagement ring he bought me, noticing sorrowfully how well they went together.

I tuck them inside a carefully sealed envelope, deciding that I will ask Sarah to return them to him.

It is time to say goodbye, and it is best to leave without leaving any chapters to close.

Chapter twenty-nine


Thenightpassedquickly,and the morning comes without me even processing what happened, as the last few hours have been a constant stream of emotions and torment.

I’m now at the hospital, arranging for Brittany to get the long-term care she needs now that she is out of surgery. I managed to get to her in time, but I’m emotionally drained.

Her family lives far away, and she has no one in town, so it is up to me to take responsibility for her. Throughout the night, while the doctors are taking care of her, I racked my brain trying to list reasons to believe Brittany would live, until finally, the doctors had told me that she is stable.

Now, thankfully, although she is still in the ICU, she has recovery to look forward to. Her mother is in a cab, on her way to the hospital from the airport, and there has already been talk about getting Brittany into a specialized physical therapy facility that can help her recover with as little damage to her modeling career as possible.

She deserves a good life, although it can not be at my side.

The whirlwind of emotions and sensations from the past several hours has left me completely exhausted, feeling that the only thing I really long for is sleep.

Throughout the night, I had not been able to call Penny to let her know what had happened. Every time I tried, something would come up, until it is very late, so I decided to let her sleep and communicate with her when we are both refreshed the next morning.

Now, after another coffee and a few more hours of waiting, I’m feeling a little better. I’m trying to decide whether or not it is too early to call Penny, when, ironically, her assistant calls me.
