Page 110 of A Little Taste

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Another kiss, and I head out the door, jogging down the stairs to where Gwen is standing at the entrance to the Star Parlor. “Good morning, Sheriff. I didn’t expect to see you looking so well-rested today.”

“Good morning, Gwen.”Not discussing my sex life with her.

My hand is on the doorknob when she stops me. “I did a reading for you this morning.” One backwards glance, and she waves a hand. “I know, I know, but it was very interesting. The Ten of Cups, the Four of Wands, and the Empress.”

“I don’t know what any of that means.”

“Love, marriage, happily ever after, babies…”

Releasing the door, I nod, holding up both hands. “You’re right. You win. All of that is correct.”

She responds with the first genuine smile she’s ever given me. “Take care of my daughter.”

“I intend to—forever.”

The door opens above, and Britt steps out, locking it before heading down the stairs. When she sees us, she stops with a little, “Oh!”

I hold out my hand, and she shakes her head, walking down to my side. Her mother nods, and it’s official, I believe in magic.

Or more correctly, I believe in love, and this girl at my side is magic. Although, now I realize love is also magic, and with enough love, you can do anything.

You can change your life.

You can even change your mind.

It only took a little taste to find the love of a lifetime.



Six months later

“Balance is the first thing you have to master.” Adam stands behind me on the surfboard, lightly holding my waist. “Balance is the key.”

“Sounds like life.” My arms are extended, and my knees are bent as the small waves form under us.

“You’d be surprised. I’ve had a lot of insights out here riding the waves.”

“I’m sure you have.” The deep voice at my feet sends a thrill to my core.

“Aiden, look!” The wake from him swimming to us bounces the board, and I start to wobble. “Whoa… I think I’m doing it!”

“You’re amazing. I’m coming up to help you.”

“What’s wrong, bro? Jealous?” Adam laughs, slowly lowering to his knees. “You got it Britt. Keep your knees soft.”

He tips off the side of the board, and I let out a little yelp when it rocks. Still I manage to stay on my feet. My heart is beating so fast, and my tongue sticks out between my teeth.

“Get on your knees,” Aiden orders, holding the sides of the wide, beginner board.

Keeping my eyes focused straight ahead, I do as he says, lowering to my knees and then taking a seat. He climbs up, straddling the board behind me, and I lean against his chest, tilting my face up to kiss his salty jaw.

“I’m glad you joined me.” His warm skin is against my bare back, and I’m less interested in surfing now. “Maybe we can slip into the water and scare the fish.”

A laugh vibrates through his chest, sending another surge of energy to my stomach. “Come on, let’s try this.”

Looping a strong arm around my bare midriff, we slowly make our way to standing. A gentle wave lifts the board, and I move in time with him holding me. I love Aiden’s large hands on my bare skin, and surfing is like a dance.
