Page 21 of A Little Taste

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“I had no intention of dragging your son anywhere. I was only being friendly. I won’t make that mistake again.” I take a step back and crash into a chair, turning to catch it quickly before it hits the floor. “I’ll just head home now since it’s after five, and I need to check on Edward.”

Before the first tear dares to fall, I’m hustling out the door and through the outer offices. Doug says something to me, but I don’t stop. Hurrying across the street, I keep my chin down, watching the movement of my shoes and dodging pedestrians until I make it to the neon purple sign for the Star Parlor.

I duck around to the stairwell and quickly run up to my apartment. Edward is sleeping on the couch when I enter, and I go straight to my bathroom, gripping the sides of the sink and doing my best to catch my breath.

I didn’t do anything wrong. It was just a silly card trick. There’s no magic in card tricks.

Turning on the water, I scoop a handful and drink it. Then I dampen my fingers and press them against my hot cheeks.

I’ve never had anyone glare at me with so much anger, like the grudges of twenty years were all descending on me as the scapegoat.

My chest hurts, and I’m not sure if I’m upset he was so mad or if I’m upset it’s clear I’ll never be more than my name to Aiden Stone.

As much as I want to distinguish myself, in his eyes, I’ll always be Britt Brewer Bailey. What I think is innocent or harmless is irrelevant, and as much as I’d like to avoid the things he hates, I have no idea where the landmines are hidden.



The room is so silent after Britt leaves, I can hear the people talking on the street outside. Owen stands in front of me, still holding the deck of playing cards. His blue eyes, identical to mine, are narrowed.

“You were mean, Dad.” The excitement in his voice when I first arrived has turned to reproach, and I feel like a shit.

I can still see the fear in her eyes. I can still see her running away from me like a rabbit from a wolf. I can’t argue with my son. Iwasmean, and I hate it.

“I don’t like magic.” My voice is quiet, almost like I’m explaining my ridiculous overreaction to both of us.

“I know.” His tone is little-boy impatience. “You tell me that at least twenty times a day.”

“I don’t think it’s that much.” Rubbing my hand over the tightness at the back of my neck, I wonder how things went so off the rails.

When we left the field today, I was impressed as hell by all she’d accomplished in only a few hours. She made my puny investigation look like child’s play, and I hated that I was going to have to eat crow and tell Edna she was right. Britt is a great addition to our team.

She’s very professional with her work. She carefully documented every leaf, every misplaced stone, every stray cut in the soil. She sussed out a very promising lead, and I won’t be surprised if we have a suspect in custody by the end of the week.

Then I came back and blew it all up over a silly card trick.

“You have to go and tell her you’re sorry.” Owen puts his hand in mine, and pulls me towards the door. “It’s what you tell me when I do something wrong.”

My throat tightens. “I’m not sure she wants to talk to me right now. I was pretty harsh.”

“Yes, you were.” He presses his lips together, nodding. “You yelled at her worse than you yelled at me that time I left the milk out on the counter all night.”

“That was wasteful.”

“I know, and she only taught me a card trick.”

God, I feel so fucking stupid. I feel like I threw all my dirty underwear on the front lawn for everyone to see. Want to see me lose my shit? Teach my son a card trick.Jesus.

“Maybe I’ll just talk to her about it tomorrow. Let her cool down first.”

“When I jerked Maya’s ponytail for saying Zander wasn’t a real zebra, you said I had to apologize that day. You said if I didn’t, she’d think I meant it, and it would damage our friendship.”

I look down at this smart little guy I’m raising. “You remember everything I say to you?”


“Well, come on, then.” I exhale heavily.
