Page 18 of Grace

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“She visited your home—your real home—but didn’t get in your pants. I had to wait until you gave me the jewels to see where you lived?”

My neck gave out, face falling toward the table. “Wither—”

“Explain that shit, because I’ve been bombarded with revelations since leaving your place on Saturday. It’s ass backwards to me.”


“And were you being honest about me…” She glanced around then whispered, “popping your cherry? Or did you lie about your little virginity, too.”

I tried not to laugh. “So long as we’re clear on me not being a virgin since I was a kid—”

“Yourprisonvirginity!” she whispered with mean force.

“Then yeah. That was the truth. I had notfu—had sex with anybody before you.”

“Then why the hell would you entertain me in the fucking projects, but have her at the luxury estate onLake Sha’Ronlike I’m not the baddest bitch you’ve ever encountered, much less tasted? I’m no low-level bird. I’m a well-bred bare, not a bottom-feedingFashionNova-rocking,wait till I get my tax refundclassless bustdown.”

I rubbed my lips together, feeling checked. “I know that.”

“Then why the games,Jas—wait!” Her brows met. “Does she know your name? Your real name?”

Staring at her cold muffin, I shook my head. “Nah.”

“And why don’t I? What’s yourrealname?”

My eyes reached up to hers. “Jas is my real name, Witherspoon.”

“If it’s not on your birth certificate, it ain’t.”

She was irritated. This quick into my apology meeting, I’d vexed her. The only resolution I saw was a chunk of the truth.

“I ownRizzo’s Custom Homes & Developers.” I held my breath, afraid of her reaction. Why I cared about what she thought, I didn’t know. When it had become a thing for me to care was beyond me. But now, I did. When my eyes met her face again, Witherspoon’s mouth hung open and eyes were blank. “Say something.” My gaze fell again. “Please.”

After a moment, she breathed out, “Are you serious?”

“Do you want to get to know me or not?”

“I—I don’t want to be lied to.”

“I’ve never lied to you—”

“You just admitted to it. By omission, remember? Let’s keep your story straight.”

Taking in a deep breath, my attention went out the window. But I quickly reminded myself of my agenda. I had to see this through. So, I looked Witherspoon dead in the eyes. “I own several companies withRizzo’s Custom Homesbeing one.”

She shook her head, face tight as though I’d spoken Arabic. “Are you on his board, a minor investor—”

“Sole proprietor. I’ve owned it for years now.”

“Then why do you work sites?Wha—why did you take all those classes?”

“Because I’m phasing into place. I learned what I could about construction in prison, but I needed hands-on experience to master it. I’ve done the trades, now I’m moving on to the administrative work. It’s what I shared with you on Saturday—what I was planning to tell you all about on Sunday before all that shit went down.”

Witherspoon dropped her head in her hands. Feeling anxious as hell about my transparency, I bit my lip, trying to keep it cool.

“Who knows this?”

“What do you mean?”
