Page 27 of Grace

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“It wasn’t cheap, but well worth the pursuit.” As Peach approached me, she pouted. “Can you fix me a plate to go?”

“You ain’t staying?” Corinne asked as Peach reached me for a hug.

“You’re gorgeous,” I reminded her, not that she needed it.

“Thanks, sister from another mister and madam.” She winked at me before turning to Corinne. “No. I’m tired. I’m just coming to pick up a suit from Shi-Shi. I’ve got an event tomorrow I want to borrow it for.”

“The one she told you to buy when it was on sale atNeiman, but you didn’t?” Becky asked.

“That would be the one. Shi-Shi was right once again.” Peach pushed her lips out, feigning being pitiful.

I rolled my eyes, laughing. “It’s in the sitting room waiting for you.”

“Oh, good!” Peach’s eyes roamed the island loaded with food. “Now, my plate, ma’am.”

“Oh. Your diamond earrings…” My throat tingled out of nowhere. “I put them in the pocket.”

“Peach’s studs?” Becky’s eyes lit up.

I nodded, nose suddenly itching.

“I forgot all about those earrings. It’s only been what? Since Thanksgiving?” Peach asked.

“My bad. I forgot about them, too. But they’re in there.”

“Can I borrow them?” Becky asked. “My dad’s birthday party’s next month.”

“Now that I’ve got them back, I’m going to wear them tomorrow.” Peach told her. “Pick them up anytime after. Where’s Shizu? Shi-Shi, you told me you were cooking, but I didn’t know like this. Those your butter beans, Ines?”

“She’s with David,” Becky answered.

“David?” Peach’s face folded. “David, David?”

“That would be the David. I don’t know why she keeps trying. He ain’t that nigga for her.” Corinne grabbed her wine glass, rounding her neck.

“Well, first, he’s Filipino,” Becky corrected.

“And?” Corinne challenged her.

Becky’s brows furrowed and eyes squinted. “I didn’t think…”

“You ain’t gotta be Black to be a nigga or fuck boy. They come in all shades and sizes.”

I howled in laughter as Becky shook her head. “I’m gonna take another shot. Thank God I’m married.”

“Oh, praise Him,” Peach added, likely half serious.

The itch behind my nose started. The one I had to scratch by clicking my throat. Something was off and so quickly.

Becky downed a shot of rum. “Anyway. Why do you think they’re doomed?”

“Because the nigga has money, owning the luxury car rental company and twoDunkin Donuts. He’s gotta be worth at least a couple of million.”

“That’s what he told Shizu,” Peach added. “Two and half million. Self-made.”

“And,” Corinne continued, shaking her head in agreement with Peach, “He’s wined and dined her, taking her across the globe and even banged the cooch.”

“Then what’s the problem?” I asked, not understanding.
