Page 66 of Grace

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“I’m a part of a gang, yeah.”

“See!” Noelle leaped off her toes, beaming proudly to her friend. “Which one?”

“The Witherspoon Queens.” Noelle’s face fell at my words. “I ain’t gay or nothing, but somehow got initiated last week by handling Darius McCoy.”

Brandy cracked up laughing while Noelle’s whole mood disappeared.

“Good one, Jas,” Witherspoon murmured, toeing past me to sit on a sofa chair.

Noelle dropped her body on the sofa across the room. “Well, you’re still good with me. How do you two know each other anyway?”

“Yeah,” Brandy seconded her bestie while unscrewing a bottle of nail polish. “And did y’all know each other before the Austin breakup or after?” She wiggled her brows, but before anybody could react, she laughed. “I’m just kidding.” She laughed again, this time Noelle was with her. “Because we know Shi-Shi’s type. She wouldn’t know what to do with a real G. You either, Noelle.”

“Excuse me?” Witherspoon spit out, laughing.

“She’s right, Shi-Shi.” Noelle snickered. “You told me about the one guy from Newark you used to date and how he used to have you riding him and his friends around the hood in your babyBeamer.”

Smiling, Witherspoon rolled her eyes. “That was eons ago. I was like a senior in high school. I’m a grown ass woman now. I know my speed.”

“Where are you from?” Brandy asked me.

I noticed Noelle’s curious eyes immediately.


“And where did you two meet? You haven’t answered that.” Brandy was hella forward for her young ass age.


“Oh.” Her brows hiked. “You two work together?”

“You work for my Dad?” Noelle chirped at the same time.

“Nah.” I kicked forward a leg, adjusting myself in the chair. Talking to young girls was work. “I work for another firm.”

“No.” Witherspoon shook her head, the same girlie grin on her face since I showed up. “We’re not going to do this, Jas.” She addressed the girls, who were following every word of ours. “Jas owns his own firm. We met at a coffee shop.”

“So, you two are rivals?” Brandy surmised.

“Well, that’s good to know.” Noelle’s mouth balled as she looked to be chewing on a thought.

Witherspoon asked, “What is?”

“That you two aren’t creeping or any weird shit like that. I know you’d never lay down with the enemy. You’re too competitive for that.”

“I’d say smart,” Brandy added.

Witherspoon stood, sighing. “And not to mention, straight out of a three-year relationship. I think dinner’s ready, girls. Or do you need more time to analyze me in front of a total stranger?”

“You and Au were together for three years,” Brandy corrected her.

“Yeah. And do you have a girlfriend, Jas?” Noelle asked.

Brandy sucked in a breath. “He’s too oldfor—how old are you?”

“Shut up!” Noelle rolled her eyes. “You have no idea why I’m asking.”

Brandy rolled her eyes to the table, dipping the brush into the polish. “If you say so.”
