Page 80 of Grace

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“Yoooo! Shi-Shi!” I glanced up to find Jonathan strolling into the kitchen, wearing the same trench coat he did last month at Sean’s birthday party. “What you into, ma?” He splayed open his coat. “I got pills and trees. I bet dope ass queens like you into gummies. I got brownies, too, see…”

Before he could locate whatever he was looking for in his pharmacy of a coat, a familiar throaty tender hissed, “Fuck outta here with that shit.”

“Fuck!” Jonathan’s eyes stretched wide as he snatched his coat closed.

The way he scurried around his big cousin to leave the room was almost comical.

“Really?” I asked, trying to keep from laughing. “I ain’t even get to place my order yet.”

Jas didn’t reply to my dry humor right away. Instead, he approached me with the quiet confidence that shook my soul since the first day I lay eyes on him a few months ago. His scent grew lasciviously dangerous the closer he got to me. My lungs seized when he leaned his hard body into mine, nose grazing my neck. I couldn’t think to react, but my damn body did. He’d never been this bold publicly. Someone could walk in at any moment. Did he want that?

“He wanna fuck you,” he whispered in my ear.

Breathlessly, I murmured, “So, does every hetero guy in this house. That’s nothing new.”

Jas scoffed against my neck.


Just kiss me.


“What would you consider new?”

“You fucking me here at your cousin’s house.”

Jas froze over me. I caught his relaxed eyes as he backed away, licking his lips. The way he swiped his nose, rebounding from my challenge made my pussy pulse.

“That what you into, Witherspoon?”

My eyes fell from sudden embarrassment. I hated how small my voice was when I replied with honesty, “I’m intoyou. Fuckingyouanytime and any way I can.”

He leaned against the countertop across from me. “Tonight’s not soon enough?”

I shook my head. “We’re taking my aunt, Kimberly, out for her birthday. Then it’s my night to close the dance studio.”

I knew Jas would be on his fifth dream by the time I’d be able to make it toLake Sha’Ron.

“Oh, here you are!” Chelsea brisked inside the small kitchen then sauntered right back out, shouting into the hallway. “Quick family meeting in the kitchen! Real quick for the cousins, please!”

Jas’ face tightened in confusion. I, myself, was curious. Was this normal? Jas’ family, though undoubtedly…hood, were a solid unit from my little experience with them. It was clear, he was high-ranked in terms of respect and admiration here. Perhaps it was because of serving such a long prison term and coming home as a devout Christian insistent on not touching alcohol or anything mood-boosting.Except for pussy. Jas had been indulging in mine quite well.

“What’s this about, Chels?” Jas finally asked as people were obediently populating in the kitchen, picking over food and pouring drinks.

Tanya and Juggy were the last two to enter.

“So, really quick.” Chelsea slapped her palms together, smiling brightly. “I know some of you are in the middle of whatever games you’re playing, but some of us have to go. I didn’t want to leave today without initiating solid plans for the next birthday we have in the family. Care to take a guess on whose it is?” Once again, her beam was brilliant.

Chelsea’s aura was vastly different from her sister, Tanya’s. There was a street edge to her persona, something undetectable in her baby sister’s.

After a few false guesses, Chelsea singsonged, “Jassy!”

All eyes flew to Jas, who was posted up against the wall at this point, behind the group.

“Oh, shit,” Antoine murmured.

“Word? When ya born day, big homie?” his cousin, Leo, who couldn’t stop staring at me, asked.
