Page 109 of The Promise

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Ashira seemed confused, looking to me.

“You ain’t pray for yourself.” I helped her out.

“Oh!” She then frowned. “Okay.” Ashira went back into prayer posture. “God, bless Mommy, too. Help her to always see the good in people, and…” She hesitated. “…continue to help her see that for…happiness and…” Why was this hard for her? “…fulfillment, she…doesn’t need to grow plants, join clubs, volunteer, or…” She took a deep breath. “… be sad. Continue to show Mommy she lacks nothing. ‘But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.’ Amen.”


I knew the book, but couldn’t remember the chapter. I believed it was the first one. Ashira knew the Word!

“Daddy!” I looked up to find Chivon already in bed. Her mother was pulling the blanket up. Ashira wouldn’t look at me. “You still prway?”


I was still on my knees when I tried to correct her. “Praying.”

Chivon ignored me and kissed her mother goodnight. Then she looked over to me. “Daddy, go to your room. This Mommy room. This my room.” She pointed to the door.

She had no idea; my issue wasn’t leaving. My problem was getting the hell out of the cabin without them seeing my damn erection.


Part III

July | Three Years Later

She squirmed as my tongue ran up her belly. I licked up the underside of her boob, then flickered the nipple with the tip of my tongue.


As she moaned, I fisted myself just before putting my cock right where I needed it at the opening of her wet pussy. The feel of my shit pulsing in my hand confirmed how ready I was for her. Heat suffused the head of me, the smell of her driving me wild. She grabbed the back of my head then pushed her palms into my cheeks. Fuck! I missed this. Her tongue pushed from her mouth and into mine, making my fucking shoulders jerk.


My heartbeat was fast as hell as I swung my hips up and pushed into the bullseye smoothly. She groaned in my mouth from the pain, feeling my girth, uncomfortable with it. I wasn’t about to let that stop my flow. I remember when she had me feeling like my dick game was wack. “You can’t fuck, buddy,” were her exact words. The shit had me in a chokehold for a while. So, now, when I’m working my way into her hot, spongey walls, I can’t help but pay attention to the stiffness in her hips as she adjusts to me. The heavy breaths pushing from her nostrils, her lips going soft around my mouth as her tongue struggled to keep up.

Can’t fuck my ass—

“Daddy! Vake up!”

My body swung into the air, pulse racing faster than a motherfucker. Chivon was on the side of the bed, holding a straw cup. She scratched her little ass, staring at me like I was in trouble.

“How you get in here?”

“Mommy said I no sleep.”

I let out a deep breath, senses kicking in. My hands went to my face, rubbing my eyes.

What the fuck!

Was I just dreaming about…

My eyes opened to Chivon still standing in the same place. “Where’s Mommy?”

Chivon’s face wrinkled a bit before she walked to the foot of the bed. I watched as her eyes blew the hell up, and she pointed. “Mommy over dere! Her in your bed. No. No. No. No, Mommy!” She marched angrily to the other side. I shifted to the right and… Damn. Ashira was curled almost into a ball at the far side of the mattress. She wore a silk tank with matching shorts. And the shorts were fucking short on those long, thick ass thighs. Her ass cheeks peeked from the hem.Fuck. “Mommy, dis my daddy bed. You no sleep here!”

No, Chivon!

That bite of rejection for her mother snapped me into the moment. People making Ashira feel like an outsider never sat right with me, and I wouldn’t have our daughter do it—at least, I’d try to regulate it as much as I could with her. Chivon was possessive of me, and I had to accept that.
