Page 93 of The Promise

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Again, I nodded. Glancing down at my sleepy angel, I rubbed the side of her hair, loving her curly sideburns.

“And nine crew members?” I nodded again. “Damn,” she whispered. “Ten bedrooms, a cinema room, jacuzzi on deck for ten people, a spa suite?”

“Yeah. The boat’s supposed to be dope.”

“I see.” She giggled. “What bank did you rob to pay for all of this?”


I was done talking to Ashira for the night.

A Pixie playlist boomed from the speakers as I lay stretched out on the ledge of the pool.

“And next!” Rainey, Amy’s best friend, directed from inside the pool as she clicked away on the camera.

I tossed my arm over my head as I lay on my side facing her. We took a few shots from that angle before I turned into a new one. The sun liked me, constantly kissing me and bronzing my skin almost immediately. And although the temperature was nearing ninety degrees, the horsepower we charted the water in provided the perfect breeze.

The Tyrrhenian Sea was amazingly gorgeous, and the yacht exceeded my expectations. We boarded the boat on the Amalfi Coast a day ago and had been cruising ever since. The first thing I did after settling into the bedroom I shared with Chi-Chi was check out the entire yacht. We were given a tour by one of the hospitality crew members. Immediately, I felt like a celebrity’s wife—or girlfriend…or side-chick? Or perhaps a baby’s mother. But more specifically, like a “Diddy” baby’s mother, not “Future’s.” Diddy took care of his children’s mothers—at least the ones he could still fuck, had always been my guess.

There were three decks on this boat, including alfresco dining, that Chi-Chi and I took advantage of for breakfast this morning. Afterward, we came down to the poolside deck to explore the toys awaiting her when Jas joined us. It took me just a minute or two to be oriented on operating the deck’s stereo system then I played with her in the chilled, crystalline pool.

“You’re such a natural with the camera.” Rainey flattered my ego, clicking away. She turned back to Amy, who floated in the water with Chi-Chi. “Your boss is like so fly, Aim!”

“Operative word being ‘your’ and it will remain that way.” Amy replied expressionless, rocking sunglasses as she relaxed on the floaty with Chi-Chi. “Told you.”

I laughed, thinking their banter was cute. It made me think of my best friends. Oh, how I wished they were here, turning up on this luxury boat with me.

I sat up to sink my legs into the pool as I pushed my thighs apart wide. Pulling up the string of my bikini bottoms by the sides, I shared, “I’ve been so lax with posting on social media. They’re about to get all this Nubian glow from the Tyrrhenian.” I puckered my lips for the next series of photos as Rainey tossed her head back, cracking the hell up.

One of the serving crew members approached me, “Another martini, Ms. Witherspoon?”

I glanced down at my near-empty glass. After gulping back what was left, I reminded him, “Sure. I’m going to drink enough to forget I told you to call me Shi-Shi.”

Humbly, he grabbed his chest and bowed. “Perdonami. Per favore.”

I tipped my head. “Certamente. Grazie.”

He took my empty glass away, and I caught view of Eric coming out on the upper deck where Jas and his Italian companion had been chatting for some time. It was good to see the security. They’d made themselves scarce since we boarded yesterday. I guessed it was to be respectful, as they were paid staff. Earlier, I passed by the billiard room and saw Eric and Bob playing pool with one of the crew members. I figured it was different for Amy, who was also an employee. She was able to bring a friend to avoid being bored when Chi-Chi was off spending time with her parents, which was the sole purpose of this “holiday.” I didn’t mind hanging with the girls at all. No, they weren’t my besties, but I could bring out the fun in the stiffest of personalities if I chose to, which meant I could certainly pass the time with these two.

Eric and Jas exchanged a few words before Eric disappeared farther into the deck, likely going back inside. That left Jas and his “mafia” companion, Francesco, back to their dedicated conversation. The guy gave every bit of mafia vibes, even communicating with his hands as his head bounced on his shoulders. It would seem odd to me if I didn’t know Jas had a nefarious past himself. I imagined the two men spoke the same language, yet with two different accents. It was actually comical.

What was the least bit humorous was how fucking delicious Chi-Chi’s father looked in floral swim trunks and nothing else. And it wasn’t because he’d been standing next to Francesco in a matching two-piece short set. His short-sleeved button-up shirt was offensively open, exposing his third-trimester pot belly littered with salt and pepper hair.

That’s enough, girl…

I chided myself. Francesco and his friends had been nothing but nice to Chi-Chi and me. This trip had been good vibes already so far. Well, maybe not necessarily with Jas. He’d been a bit distant, and that was okay.

“Here you go, Shi-Shi,” the server pronounced asCHEE-CHEE.

I fought a laugh as I received my new martini garnished with fresh cilantro and lime. He motioned for me to taste it. Quickly, I obliged, elated by his patience and attempt to please me.

“Mmmm!” I hummed, licking the froth from my glossed lips. “Delizioso! Grazie mille!” I got a kick out of using the very limited amount of Italian I knew. “Ahhhh…” I exhaled, getting on my knees to get into a new pose.

I was definitely a well-kept baby’s mother. A “Diddy” baby’s mother because, sadly, I’d fuck Jas in a heartbeat…anytime, anyplace.

“I wish I were there,” Josie shared through the speaker of my cell phone.

I paused from spraying cologne on my neck and wrists, looking at myself in the mirror. “You sound sad, shortie.”
