Page 29 of Beniamino Deluca

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“After you put Bill back where he belongs, we can go.” She gave me another kiss before she disappeared into another room.

When she came back, I swept her into my arms to dance. She laughed at first, but when she realized that I planned to dance the entire song, she got into her groove. We didn’t talk, instead, we swayed to the music. One song turned into two… three… four…

“You know, I didn’t think things would be so easy with you.” I admitted.

“Did you peg me for being a difficult woman?” She rested her head on my shoulder and I wanted to flash freeze this moment. The feel of her here was much too perfect to have only a memory. If I could have replayed it many times over, it wouldn’t be excessive.

“No.” Pausing, I weighed my words. “Marcus paints a different picture. I couldn’t imagine someone so spectacular being with him. Knowing you a bit more, I can see how he would be drawn to you. I understand that he couldn’t help himself. It’s a shame that he could never offer you anything back in return.” I kissed her forehead and she closed her eyes.

“Beni, I don’t know what you want me to say. I still don’t know what to make of you. Your words make me feel things that I shouldn’t. I don’t know you well enough where they should matter.”

“But they do.” I stated.

“Yeah, they do.” I could work with that.

I pressed my lips to hers, tilting her chin up with my finger. Her soft ones encouraged more than that but the need to kiss her came from the moment calling for it. Her voice had shown the vulnerability that she was feeling. This was easy with her. Sex would come, but it was the journey of discovery that I was interested in right now.

“Let’s go.” I caressed her cheek and she rested on my shoulder reveling in the moment, too.

“It’s almost over.”

I listened to the song and she was right. Not only was the song almost over, it was the last one on the album. I stayed there holding and rocking her until it ended. The arm of the record player returned to it’s resting place and the spinning portion of the table stopped. I pressed a kiss to her forehead and let her go. I put the album away and closed the played.

“Time to get you fed.” I took her hand and led her to the door.

When she pulled out her keys, I took them from her and locked the door. Then we were on our way. My arms could still feel her in them but her absence only made me want to pull her close in the car. I held her as we drove, the silence was comfortable and the nerves she seemed to have before were gone.

“Will anybody else be there?” She asked.

“Massimo, a couple of my guys, maybe my father, Martina and Amina of course. But she invites other people too. It depends on their schedules. Don’t worry, you’ll still enjoy yourself.”

“That I don’t doubt.” She rested her head against my arm.

For the millionth time, I wondered if I staying at her place was the better option. I didn’t want to disappoint Martina or Amina though. I’d have more time with her later. That much I was sure of.

My sister hugged Simone as soon as we arrived. She left me standing at the door with two bottles of wine. She’d never done that before.

“Boss?” Caesar was posted as her new guard and he stood watching me.

“Did you see that shit?” I asked him, making sure I hadn’t made it up.

“You mean her not acknowledging you? Yes.” He chuckled.

“You’re fired.” I said as I passed him.

“But boss…”

I turned to him smiling and saw the relief he exhaled.

“I’ll keep it a secret.” He said while sitting down.

“Good. I can’t have that getting out.”

I entered the dinning room to see Massimo, his best friend Angie, Father, Simone, Martina, Amina, and my cousin Tim. My father sat at the foot of the table and my place at the head was still empty. Simone sat to my right and Massimo on my right. Martina sat at the other end so she could be near Amina. Next to Simone, Tim sat filling his water glass.

“Let’s eat.” Martina said.

The spread was intense: stuffed shells, chicken parmesean, caesar salad, meatballs, buttery garlic bread topped with shaved parmesean, breadsticks, tomato sauce, tomato mozzarella salad, prosciutto, and wine.
