Page 82 of Endless, Forever

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A small smile graced Gabe’s mouth, and he leaned in for another, gentle kiss. “I don’t really know. I guess we take it day by day. See where this goes?”

“Well, I might already have some idea,” Oliver said with a small grin. Because he did.

Wherever there was Gabriel, there was home.

And that’s exactly where he needed to be.


Pressed up against the door, Gabe’s head fell back, and he let out a tiny moan. “This,” he gasped as Oliver attacked his neck, “is a terrible idea. They’re going to be here any minute, and Will still has his key from when he was watching the cat. He could walk in here and see us.”

“You’ve no idea how much of a fuck I do not give,” Oliver muttered against flushed skin. His hand snaked into the unbuttoned front of Gabriel’s jeans and slipped under boxers. Teasing Gabriel’s dick gently with the tips of his fingers, he sucked a small mark onto his collarbone. “You really want me to stop?”

Gabe’s hips bucked as Oliver’s fingers teased his entrance. “Oh, fuck. No, don’t…God, don’t stop.”

With a wicked grin, Oliver slipped two fingers inside just a little, rubbing hard against Gabriel’s walls. “I didn’t think so.”

“You are an absolute bastard,” Gabriel panted as he pushed his hips down hard against Oliver’s hand.

“So they tell me.” His smug grin dropped when there was a pounding on the door.

“Hey, sex fiends, you know the constant-fucking, honeymoon phase is supposed to end at some point, right?”

“Fuck off!” Oliver cried through the door, not stopping what he was doing. He grinned as Gabe shoved the side of his fist into his mouth to keep from crying out. “Just start setting up, yeah? Leo’s going to be here in about thirty minutes.”

“Yeah alright, but you owe me,” Will called back through the door.

When the footsteps died down, Gabe turned heated eyes on his lover. “Fucking…hurry up,” he panted.

Oliver sped up his motions, thrusting his fingers the way Gabriel liked, rubbing Gabriel’s dick with his thumb until his boyfriend’s head fell back against the wall and let out a muffled cry of ecstasy. Feeling hot fluid spill over his knuckles, Oliver carefully pulled away, easing himself out of his boyfriend’s jeans.

“You love it.”

“I loveyou,” Gabriel corrected, “and therefore tolerate your asshattery.”

“Asshattery, is it?” Oliver repeated, mocking Gabriel’s accent.

With a snort, Gabriel grabbed a towel off the bathroom counter and threw it at his lover. “Wash up. You don’t need to be getting all up in the food with sex hands.”

Oliver rolled his eyes but went for the sink as Gabe shook out his curls, then left the small room. Grinning at himself as he turned on the water, Oliver let out a very self-satisfied sigh. It had been two years since reuniting with Gabe, and he had been half-convinced for at least a year of it, that it was going to fall apart.

That the Universe was going to remain as cruel and cold as his mother had been and continue to tease him with what he wanted most, only to rip it away again. But that didn’t happen. Gabe was still here, living with him, going to bed with him every night.

Gabriel’s book had done well too. Not topping the charts, but enough to contract a second, then a third. Enough to pull in decent money each quarter.

Their relationship wasn’t perfect, and Oliver had no delusions that it would be. Their fights were loud and fantastic, both of them cutting to the quick with angry words and accusations. But they were fast to make up, fast to remind each other that they loved each other and always would.

It helped with their friends around. Will and Derek had met the night Oliver invited them both out for drinks, and while they started out as friends, it was obvious from the moment they met, there was something there. Oliver couldn’t be happier about it, and the four of them spent more time together than they did apart.

Leo was still living in Stanford, getting ready to start his first year of practice as he worked on his MD. But he visited several times a month, saying he needed to keep an eye on Oliver, though it was clear his sibling just missed the company.

It was nice. It was the family he had always dreamed of having and thought maybe had been beyond him. Maybe he was too broken for it.

Daily, Gabriel reminded him he was deserving.

Swiping his hands on the dry towel, Oliver tidied his now-short hair, then wandered into the kitchen where Will was showing Gabe the latest line of organic, hand-made soaps the Farmer’s Market had picked up.

“Bloody hipsters,” Oliver muttered to Derek who handed him a beer.
