Page 29 of The Don's Captor

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She took a deep breath before softly muttering, “Morning.”

“How are you feeling?”

“I’m ok right now. Kinda hungry.”

“What would you like?” I was more than willing to make her anything she wanted.

“Hm.” She thought for a moment before speaking again. “I wouldn’t say no to an omelet and some breakfast sausage.”

“I can do that. What would you like to do today?” I was more than happy to do whatever she wanted. We were at a standstill with Dom until Gab could find a way for us to get him alone.

“I would like to relax a bit, but I also want to see about a plan for the women. If I can use a laptop with an Internet connection, that would be really helpful,” she said carefully, and I could tell she was nervous about asking.

No one outside the guards was supposed to have Internet access for obvious reasons. There was Internet within the house, but I could only access a cell phone and laptop. If it had been anyone else, I would have told them no. That there was no way in hell I would trust them with Internet access. However, Natalie had told me that she wanted to help and understood she couldn’t leave until Dom was taken out. It would be worth it if there was an easier way to free the other women without putting more attention onto us and my organization.

“I can give you access to the Internet. I have a laptop. I will get breakfast going while you keep waking up. I can bring the food up here if you want,” I offered.

“No, I’ll come down. I just need a few minutes to get dressed and use the bathroom.”

“Take all the time you need,” I said, before kissing her lips and we both sat up. We went about getting ready for the day. Once I was dressed, I headed downstairs and was immediately greeted by the mess in the kitchen. I had forgotten that I had lost my shit last night. Letting out a sigh, I began to clean up the mess I had made.

I never reacted this way, but last night it felt like everything was exploding inside me and I needed to release some pent-up emotion. It wasn't my finest moment. I quickly cleaned all of this up before I started to cook breakfast. Thankfully, there were still dishes in the cupboard I could use. Just as the food was almost finished, Natalie joined me in the kitchen.

“Wow, you already cleaned everything up.”

“I’m deadly with a broom,” I teased.

“You should add that to your resume,” she teased back as she went and sat down at the island.

“Aww, you think I have a resume,” I said with a playful wink as I placed her food down in front of her.

“Do you have a laptop, Rebel?” she asked with an easy smile.

I went into the living room and grabbed my laptop before heading back into the kitchen. After unlocking it, I slid it over to Natalie as I spoke.

“What are you looking for?”

“I remembered in the shower that I read an article a couple of years ago. It was about this company that goes in and extracts people from religious cults. They also work with different federal agencies to help shut down the cults. It’s not ideal as they do it for profit,” she explained.

“But I’m a billionaire,” I simply said. I didn’t really want to involve the Feds, but an extraction company sounded interesting.

“I don’t know if it would even be possible, but I thought I would see if an extraction company were even real and if they would do something like this.”

“If they do, though, they could go in and get the women, allowing us to avoid any connection to it,” I stated with complete understanding. It was a good idea and hopefully one that would work. I sat down beside Natalie as she started a Google search. We didn’t have much time, so if we were going to get the women out once I killed Dom, we would need something set up and ready to go for when we were.

“This is exactly what we needed,” she said with a big goofy smile as she leaned her back against my chest.

The hot water felt amazing, but feeling her smooth and wet skin against my own, there were no words to describe it. I placed a kiss on the side of her head as I spoke, “I figured you would enjoy this. It’s been a long couple of days for the both of us. A small bit of normalcy is always good.”

“Hm,” she softly said.

I ran my hands up her thighs and slowly over her arms, then brought my right hand to her chin. I turned her head slightly before slowly pulling her toward me. She willingly closed the small gap between our lips and pressed them softly against mine. I instantly responded and pressed my lips harder against hers; she allowed me to deepen the kiss. I felt her tongue peel out of her mouth and touch my lips, seeking permission to enter, which I immediately granted.

She gave a soft moan as our tongues touched. I ran my hand down her body, placed it on her hip, and turned her, so she was straddling my lap. I cupped her ass and she slowly rocked against me, rubbing her pussy against my hard cock. She felt remarkable as ever. I knew I would never grow tired of feeling her body against my own.

As we kissed, the whole world melted away. It felt as if time was standing still and there was no one but us in the world. As long as I could feel her against me, nothing plaguing us existed or mattered. I pulled back from the kiss and worked my way down her neck and over to her right breast to suck her nipple between my teeth. She arched back and gave a very deep moan. I knew her nipples were sensitive, and it only heightened her pleasure.

She rocked her hips and started to really grind against me. Both of our needs were becoming too great, and I pulled back and kissed my way back up her neck. I slipped two fingers inside of her and moaned at the feel of her wet folds. She moaned deeply as she started to rock her hips against my fingers.
