Page 38 of The Don's Captor

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We had both been doing a lot of reading of parenting books. They all said it was important for Mia to get used to sleeping in her crib and not always on someone. We could still hold onto her throughout the day, but we had to try and get her used to being in her crib so that when she got older, we didn’t have any problems with her not liking to sleep alone.

I couldn’t help but smile as we walked into the nursery. Natalie had gone with a simple design of white and a soft pink. The walls were soft pink, and a white cherry blossom tree had been painted on the wall right where Mia’s crib was. We also had her name in white wooden letters right in the middle above her crib.

The furniture was all white. There was a white padded rocking chair in one corner. Her bedding was a soft pink along with a mobile to match. When we were designing it, I told Natalie I didn’t care what it looked like as long as she was happy. I was just happy to put it all together for her and see the joy light up her eyes.

“She’s so cute when she sleeps,” Natalie said as we both looked down at Mia. She was a thumb sucker, but I supposed that was better than having to worry about where her pacifier was.

“She’s perfect,” I agreed lovingly.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the velvet ring box I had been carrying around for the past couple of days. I had wanted to propose to Natalie for a little while now. I had been too scared to do it before. I knew she loved me but didn’t know if she was ready for marriage. I was taking a huge risk that scared me, but I also knew I couldn’t spend the rest of my life afraid to ask her the big question.

I couldn’t spend my life wondering if she had said yes. I knew women preferred to be proposed to in a more romantic setting with a huge gesture. However, the moment felt right and I doubted there would ever be another that felt more right than now. I wrapped my right arm around her and brought my left hand up with the box open.

“Armando,” she said softly as she took in the ring.

“I know this isn’t very romantic and probably not how you had pictured it. You mean the world to me. I can’t imagine not having you in my life. How we met was highly unorthodox, but I am glad you came into my life. Life is precious and short. I don’t want to waste any more precious time. I would be honored if you would become my wife.”

She turned in my arms while tears flowed gently down her cheeks. I was hoping they were happy tears. A broad smile spread across her face and twinkled in her eyes.

“Yes, yes, of course, I’ll marry you,” she said with a slight giggle of joy.

My arms instantly circled her to pick her up. I moved back as I twirled us around in a circle, her laughter filling the room. Words cannot describe the joy I felt at hearing her say yes. She would be my wife, and I could not have asked for anything more.

“You are going to wake her up. Put me down, silly,” she teased.

I placed her back on the ground. I immediately grabbed the ring and slipped it onto her finger as I spoke, “I don’t know what I did to ever deserve someone like you and Mia in my life, but I will make sure you never regret this.”

“I know I won’t. I love you.”

“I love you too, baby.”

I closed the gap between us and pressed my lips against hers. She instantly melted into me, kissing me back with just as much passion as was passing through me. Our future was unknown, but I knew it was going to be wonderful. I had two amazing girls in my life and was looking forward to spending the rest of my days with them.

The End
