Page 4 of The Don's Captor

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They had clearly been using this place as their main baby farm. I couldn’t help but wonder how many women had been trapped in this room. I headed into the bathroom to see that it was beautiful. It was all white with a clear glass pedestal and a double sink. There was a jacuzzi bathtub with an all-glass shower stall just off the side.

Whoever had initially built this house did so with love and thought for the people that lived under its roof. I wonder what they would think if they knew what their house had turned into. Then again, I didn’t know the history of this place, so maybe they built it knowing that the mafia would own it.

With a sigh, I headed over to the single window within the room. It was massive and allowed a great deal of sunlight to shine into the room. I looked around the frame, but nothing made it possible to open it. There was no latch or lock: just a solid glass panel. I placed my hand against it, expecting it to be cold, only it felt different. It was cool, but it didn’t feel like glass.

There was almost a plastic feel to it. I banged against it, and sure enough, it didn't click like a typical piece of glass. I had no idea what bulletproof glass looked or felt like, but I suspected it was similar to this. Something you couldn’t break by smashing it. They had clearly thought through everything with their fancy prison.

I looked through the books, settling on a romance novel I hadn’t read before. I suspected I would be reading all the books there until I could get out. How I was going to get out, I had no idea. The fence was going to be a significant issue. I didn’t know how to get around, but I had to work that problem out. Maybe there was a note somewhere with the code for it. With no choice but to wait until Assface fell asleep, I settled into my new temporary bed and started reading.


Just after midnight, I felt it was safe enough to sneak out of my cell to look around. I opened my door and paused to hear if there was any movement within the house. It was quiet, so I continued down the hallway, keeping my steps as soft as possible. I had no idea where Assface was, and the last thing I wanted to do was wake him up if he were sleeping. I had no idea, but the guy had to sleep at some point.

All the doors in the hallway were open, which meant that wherever he was, it wasn't up here with me. Carefully, I made my way down the stairs, keeping to the edge to avoid any that might potentially squeak. Once I reached the bottom, I started my search of the house.

The kitchen was to die for. It was all stainless-steel appliances with white countertops and a subway tile backsplash. There was a large island with its own farmhouse-style sink in it. I would have appreciated it all if it wasn’t for the fact that I was being held here against my will. Moving to the living room, I saw Assface sleeping on the couch. I had to fight my deep urge to put a pillow over his face and smother him to death. It would never work, as he would wake up the second it touched him and then overpower me. He lay there sleeping, completely unaware of the potential danger.

More accurately, he didn’t see me as a threat, which was fine, as that would be his undoing. Still, I took this time to truly look at him. Had the situation been different and we had met in a bar, or at a grocery store, I would have checked him out. He was muscular and clearly never missed gym day. He had the arms of a man who could easily throw you around in the bedroom, the type of man I usually went for.

I could see a tattoo on his bicep that his t-shirt didn’t cover, but I couldn’t really make out what it was. He had a day-old stubble along his jaw, and despite not being a fan of facial hair, it made him look good. He was sexy; I had to give him that, at least in my head.

I took the chance and walked closer to him. The curtains were open with the moonlight shining through. As I got closer, I noticed a slight glint as the moonlight hit something from underneath his pillow. A gun. He had a gun under his pillow, and the handle stuck out toward the room. If I could grab it, I would have the weapon, and maybe I could threaten him with it to let me go.

Moving as quietly as I could, I closed the short distance between us and reached out, placing my hand on the butt of the gun. I was too terrified to breathe, so I held my breath and slowly started pulling the gun out. I could see the barrel when a strong hand wrapped itself around my wrist.

Chapter four


“What do you think you are doing?” I asked in a deadly tone.

I hadn’t heard Natalie coming down the stairs or into the room. Something that never happened to me. I had been a light sleeper most of my life; it comes with the job and family I was born into. I’d gotten used to it. Just like I had gotten used to a lack of sleep and being on alert twenty-four/seven. I should have heard her coming into the room.

I should have noticed she was here long before she had her hand wrapped around my gun. Apparently, I was more exhausted than I had expected. I had been burning the candle at both ends for the past three years, and it was starting to affect me. Comes with getting older, I guess.

I had expected her to drop her hand and back away. I didn’t expect her to pull her arm back with all of her strength and dislodge the gun from underneath my pillow. With the barrel now pointing at me, I had no choice but to move. With practice ease, I was up on my feet and twisting the gun away from me and toward the wall.

Typically, I would point it back at a fucker dumb enough to pull a gun on me, but I wasn’t about to shoot a pregnant woman. Natalie didn’t quit as she swung out her free arm in a loose punch that I could easily block. She didn’t have any fighting experience or much strength. She had lost this fight the second the thought popped into her head, yet she was determined to do whatever she could. I had to respect her for that.

Looking to end this before it got even more out of hand, I pulled her toward me, throwing her off balance and tossing her down onto the couch. I straddled her lap and held her right arm over her head so the gun wasn’t pointing at either of us. With my other hand, I pried her fingers from the gun. With it in my hand again, I sat up straight and pointed it right down at her.

“Stop,” I growled, clocking the hammer to ensure she knew I was serious.

I hated this. I didn’t want to be this man, but I had to be to get justice, but also for Natalie. If Dom thought I couldn’t keep her in line, he would have someone else watch over her. Someone who wouldn’t care that she was pregnant and would treat her like shit. Slap her around and sexually assault her.

I couldn’t allow that to happen, so I had to be an asshole; it was the best way to keep her safe. I felt her settle underneath me. She was breathing heavily from the slight struggle and a few of her long soft blonde hair had fallen across her face. I had to fight my desire to reach out and move them.

“I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if I have to. We will be trapped in this house together until you push that baby out. Things would go much smoother and better for you if you do as you are told and accept your fate.” She wouldn’t accept it; that just wasn’t who she was. Dom got it wrong with her. She was going to be a royal pain in the ass.

“Accept my fate of being kidnapped?” she snapped as she moved and sat up, forcing me to sit further back. I clocked the hammer back to its safety position and lowered it slightly so it wasn’t pointed at my face. “I have a life. It might not be anything fancy, but it is my life. I have a job, a home, barely alive plants, and this baby. It is my baby, and I will not sit around getting fat just so someone else can take it away from me. This isn’t some pet that I’ve been fostering. This is my child, my flesh and blood. So, no, I will not sit quietly and be a good hostage.”

I huffed before moving off her and putting my gun into the waist behind my back. “You can’t win against Dominic Russo. He always gets what he wants. And right now, that is your baby. You think he’s going to change his mind and let you keep it? You can’t be that stupid. Or maybe you can be. Maybe that’s why you are only a receptionist.”

“And what are you?” she countered as she stood up. “Some know nothing thug, sucking on the tit of his master. You think you are anything special? I might be some lowly receptionist to you, but at least I don’t kidnap people. I don’t hurt people. I’m a good person. I care about others and want what is best for them. You are nothing more than a criminal who will get what is coming to him one day.”

“We don’t pick our family. And maybe you should be more interested in self-preservation. You can always make another kid.”

“Wow, clearly, you don’t have a soul.” She showed disgust at my words. She wasn’t the only one. It made me sick to say them, but I had to ensure there was a wall between us. I had to keep a wall between every other woman who came before and will come after her and me. I couldn’t get emotionally invested because everything I had worked for would be for nothing, and that wasn’t something I could allow to happen.
