Page 23 of The Don's Hacker

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She gives me her address, and I drive her back to her house in silence. She has her purse with her and says she didn't leave anything important at the security room in the casino for me to drop off for her later. Otherwise, we sit in silence until I pull up to an old apartment complex toward the city's edge.

I almost let loose a string of curses at the sight of it. This complex is run-down, and the security is probably shit. This is the exact kind of out-of-the-way place where cops have given up that my enforcers and other Caputos love so much because they can get away with literal murder in these areas with next to no risk.

She's not staying here for long. Not on my watch.

Still, I don't say a word as Loren gets out of the car and thanks me again quietly. She doesn't go directly to her apartment, though. Glancing over her shoulder at me as though she doesn't want me to know which unit is hers, Loren instead ducks into the shared mail room and doesn't come out. I'm sure she won't until I'm gone.

Why does she have to be so smart, gorgeous, and fucking stubborn at once? Have I not made it clear that hurting her is the last thing I would ever want?

I drive away. As I do, I call Big Luck.

"Yeah, Boss," he answers, and I can hear him crunching on some snack on the other end.

"I have a new security assignment for you."

"Not at the casino, you mean?" he asks, confused. "You know I'm there with you most of the time. Haven't been on a regular Caputo security assignment since you took over. What's changed?"

"Loren Rally needs protection."

I will keep a closer eye on her from now on, whether I'm there or not, because I don't want this to happen again. Seeing her pale with terror and refusing to talk to me when she's typically lively and sassy was something I didn't want to see again.

"The hacker?" Big Luck groans. "Bad enough you employed her, man, but now you want me watching over her like a hawk? You know she'd probably scamming money from behind the scenes now, don't you?"

I'd kept a close eye on her in the few days since hiring her. I'd triple-checked everything she was slowly given access to day by day, and I'll keep doing it just for peace of mind, even though I know deep down Loren isn't going to steal from the casino now—not when she has a real job.

"Are you arguing with me?" I ask quietly.

He must tell I'm already pissed by the sound of my voice, and the crunching stops on the other end. "No. Nope. I'll keep an eye on her."

Another thing nags at me as I turn onto the road where The Golden Flame Casino is lit up, drawing customers left and right. "While you do that, find out why she's so uneasy around me."

"Everyone is uneasy around you," he points out chipperly. "You're Domenic fucking Caputo. If she wasn't uneasy, she'd be an idiot."

Loren is my opposite in so many ways—personality especially—but like me, she isn't an idiot. Yet she's been so cautious around me, despite her usual ease in chatting with people. It makes me feel as though there's something I'm missing. Something beyond the night we spent together three years ago and beyond her hacking and my mobster lifestyle.

"Just keep an eye out," I mutter.

"Sure thing, Boss."

Chapter 9


"I see you, you little hellion," I mutter, scrolling through more numbers on the computer in front of me.

When Dominic hired me to mitigate against hacking in general, I doubt he realized one particular hacker was taking his casino for a ride.

Whoever they are, they're careful. Cunning. If I wasn't trying to turn over a new leaf, I'd probably even admire whoever is pulling this off. Unfortunately, I haven't found anything to track down an identity, but it's only a matter of time.

After being choked, threatened, and nearly shot by the Wild Seven almost a week ago, I've been on high alert. Everything on lockdown. No going out to restaurants or anywhere unnecessary, and no being outside without a hat, sunglasses, and other small ways of keeping my face hidden.

My mom went to pick up my car from the Chinese place the day after the ordeal—the day that Domenic insisted I take off to recover. I'd spent all of it with Evelyn, reading her books, lounging beside her during her nap time, and laughing at her cautious and methodical way of playing with her many toys.

Being threatened by Ace was fucking terrifying, but getting a day to love on my precious little toddler helped me calm down and realign myself.

At the very least, the Wild Seven is probably on the lookout for me now. So I'll be cautious, find this hacker for Domenic, and help scam-proof his casino. Then, hopefully, I'll have made enough to pay off my and my mother's more pressing bills.

Maybe I can even get a reference from Dominic for finding a job elsewhere after that. For once, I feel like there's a chance to shake off the past and go somewhere new to keep raising Evelyn in secret. A change of pace would be good for me, Evie, and my mom, and it would keep the Wild Seven far away.
