Page 66 of The Don's Hacker

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"Just take it, Harold."

I press it into his hand. The older gentleman gives me a shrug and a smile, and then he pops it into the slot machine in front of us and pulls it. A ringing sound fills the air, along with a scrawling congratulations on the screen—and five-digit winnings.

His mouth drops, and his eyes bug out of his head. He's stuttering as he turns to me.

"Hot damn, it really was lucky! These winnings—well, they're yours, and I couldn't take any of this from you, Lucky Coin, especially not with you having a kid on the way—"

I laugh and wave off his words. "Believe me. We're more than well off, and we'll be fine. But, tell you what—I'll make you a deal. I won't claim a cent of these winnings as long as you use them to do something you truly want. Something that will get you out of this rut," I gesture at the casino around us. Then I lean closer with a more serious expression. "Or maybe use it for something you really need. Pay off debts, or…you know, get a lot more family time. That's the real jackpot, believe me."

He's on Cloud Nine as he accepts everything I've said, shakes my hand, and finally leaves the Golden Flame Casino. I watch him go with a small smile.

"Hacker," Big Luck growls beside me, making me jump and look over with a sheepish grin. "Do I need to have Domenic's security team take a look at that man'sgood luck?Did you have something to do with it?"

"Relax, Luck. It was just a lucky coin." And a whole lot of catharsis.

Then a sexy-as-sin voice washes over me, and I feel a warm, muscular body press against my back as solid arms wrap gently around my stomach. "Toying with my slots again,fiore di ciliegio?"

I grin flirtatiously at him and bounce my eyebrows. "No, but if you're lucky, I'll letyoutoy withmyslot later."

Big Luck makes a gagging sound, lifts his hands as if in surrender, and hurries away. I giggle at him and at the expression on Domenic's face. He's trying not to smile, but the telltale twitch at the corner of his lips tells me that my polar opposite lover thinks I'm more amusing than he'll let on.

"How was the meeting with your father?" I ask. "Should I say hi?"

He does smile now. "You just missed him, I'm afraid. He's on his way to the airport, but it went well. He loves Italy. Met a woman about his age. Perhaps he'll finally learn as I did that are things in this world far more valuable than our family's profits."

He strokes my cheek lovingly, then leans down to kiss my ear and murmur. "You know I dislike you driving anywhere alone, Loren. You should have told me when you were leaving so I could send an escort with you."

So protective. I give him my best bedroom eyes. "Should I have? I guess you'll have to spank me later or tie me up and teach me a lesson. Maybe I can have my mother take Evelyn out for dinner so we can get some alone time."

Domenic groans and pulls me more tightly against him to kiss my temple, right where my little scar from the attack so long ago is faint beside my hairline. "God, yes. I need you."

"And I always need you, Mr. Caputo," I whisper, turning in his arms to kiss him.

He growls, and I laugh until he kisses me back. "You'll pay for your sass, Loren Caputo."

My heart thrills at the sound of what my name will change to in under six months. I can't wait to be married to this man. Who knew that five years ago, I'd fall for the mafioso casino owner in one single night and love him ever since?

I kiss him again. "I'm counting on it."

The End
