Page 18 of Rise of a Kingdom

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“Of that, you are correct father. I will not be your superior. In fact, as of this afternoon you will be entering retirement. You will no longer be an active member of this board or have any say in the daily actions of this company.” A smirk crosses my lips at the way she spews the word “father’. She has no pity for the man, just disgust. Gasps fill the room around us and the side of my mouth quirks up at their reactions to my destructive viper of a wife. God she’s a sexy little thing when she’s being ruthless. I’ve got a semi just watching her. If these fuckers weren’t in the room, I might even have slipped under that skirt she’s wearing and eaten her pussy, while she tried to boss me around.

I observe as Stella meets her father’s furious gaze without hesitation. She is a queen sitting court and utterly unafraid. Desire races through me at the show she is putting on. The power that she is demonstrating to all these men. I want to kneel at her feet and be the man at her back. Too bad I can’t do both at once. I move closer to my wife, giving her assistant a harsh glare.

For a moment, I don’t believe he will back down but at the last minute he tips his head and steps back, allowing me to position myself at my wife’s back. I will have to watch the sly fucker. If he thinks he will be spending any time reaping the rewards between my wife’s thighs, he is fucking mistaken and I will have him murdered and dismembered.She is fucking mine, and I don’t plan to share her.I lay my warm, tense hand on her shoulder, a show of support but also of possession, one I have no doubt she will make me suffer for later. Other than tensing minutely she doesn’t even acknowledge its presence.

“I will be doing no such thing! How dare you even suggest that!” Thomas’ voice echoes through the room. He is losing control of his emotions and my wife is purposely pushing his buttons. She wants the world to see what type of man he really is behind the expensive exterior. After all, is that not why I am here? I knew there was a board meeting today, the invite was hand delivered and crossed my desk yesterday, mere hours after I transferred my shares to my wife.

The memory of the way he behaved with her the morning of our wedding played as a nagging thought all morning in my mind. Would he have struck her if I hadn’t been present? Has he hit her in the past? The mere thought has rage bubbling in my veins and the desire to knock him on his ass filling me.

I had a feeling that Stella was going to pull something today at this board meeting. Her assistant was very insistent that the documentation of the transfer be completed and sent immediately to her. My wife is out for blood and as much as I don’t appreciate the tactics that she uses when used on me, I can’t but admire her determination to slay her demons. Even if I happen to be one of them.

Do I believe my show of support will diminish her ire towards me and the forced marriage?No fucking way.I will still be paying with blood and flesh; of that I have no doubt. Will I allow anyone else to hurt her though?The fuck I will.If anyone is going to bring Stella Stratford to her beautiful knees it will be me, and me alone.

An adorable snort of amusement leaves her and for a brief moment a smirk crosses mine at the sound. She is such a cyclone of contradictions. Beautiful, elegant, and sophisticated meshed with viciousness, cold, and calculating.So many layers to my little ice queen.

“The fact that you still don’t understand that you have no power here, that your time as ruler of this kingdom is over, shows that you are not fit to lead. Let me put this in layman terms, father. You have been dethroned and conquered; the empire is now mine. You will leave with your tail tucked between your legs and head into retirement or I will use the full force of my inheritance, plus the Stratford name, you forced on me to ruin you and yourlegacy.”

There are gasps of shock once again across the room. The men in attendance feeling the full power of her words and intentions. She will not back down and her threats are not idle as witnessed by poor unfortunate Kalista yesterday.

I could intercede. I could in fact refuse her the power behind the Stratford name, but why would I? She is helping to ensure that all of these minions go forth and spread the word of the might of the Stratfords. My father is in his grave, clapping for her right now. She is probably more the son he always wanted than I am. She will bring the world to heel at the might of the Stratfords and help me to build the empire that I crave.That is if she doesn’t destroy me too in her quest for power.

Her father’s mouth opens and closes, like some demented blowfish. His eyes meet mine and whatever he sees there has him realizing that I will not stop her. I will, in fact, ensure that her threats are carried out. He gave her to me without realizing the power that he once held in his hands.I won’t be so ignorant.

He shifts to move past me towards the door, his breathing heavy and his body filled with frustrations at being bested by my viper of a wife. Just before he makes it to the door, Stella pushes back from her chair, dislodging my hand in the process and turns towards her father’s back.

“If I find out that you took any of this out on my mother, if even a miniscule scratch is found on her body, I will not only be displeased, I will ensure I retaliate in kind. Do not touch her.” Her words are strong and uttered without a hint of any other emotion than the promise of retribution. Her words cement my previous thoughts that her father has laid hands on her and her mother before in anger. The strength her mother presented me at our wedding reception makes a shiver race down my spine. Thomas Penticton is lucky that his wife and daughter haven’t had him murdered yet.

Thomas storms out of the room and the rest of the board scampers up immediately and leaves the room behind him, none of them meeting her gaze or even uttering a word.Cowards!Little wealthy mice running away from my lioness of a wife.

“Tyson, ensure he vacates his office immediately and does not take anything of value with him. Have security posted on each floor of the building, the board members are also to leave the building today without any files. Have their access to top tier documents restricted and their passwords cloned. I want to see everything they are doing.”

“Yes, Mrs. Stratford.”

I move forward and take the vacated seat next to her. Appraising her appearance and expression as I do. She looks lovely dressed in a hunter’s green business suit. The cream silk shirt underneath her suit jacket showing the barest amount of cleavage. My mouth salivates with memory at how delicious she tastes and how full her breasts were in my hands yesterday.

I can almost see all the thoughts and plans circulating through her mind. “That was quite a takeover, Stella. Well done little ice queen.” I let the pride and desire I am feeling show on my face. There is no point in trying to hide it. I want her and I will have her, over and over. That pretty pink pussy that torments my waking and sleeping moments will be laid before me and used for my pleasure.

“Why are you here, Jaxon?” She turns her arctic gaze on me, her expression is reserved and I am unable to read her thoughts.Is she truly displeased that I came?For some reason that I can’t fathom, that thought upsets me. That she didn’t want me here to witness her victory and support her. She is my wife, does she not understand that I will always have her back, even if I don’t agree with her methods?

“I came to bear witness to your destruction and rise in power, little ice queen. Does it displease you that I wished to watch you humble your father while you seized the company that is rightfully yours?”

Her arctic eyes meet mine, flashing with emotion.Is that satisfaction or need in their depth?Does she finally understand that she is mine and I am hers and together we will build an empire? “You are an extremely sexy woman when you play with power Stella.” I lean forward, my lips a hair’s breadth away from hers. Her lips open and her warm minty breath trails across my lips. My eyes meet hers, gray fighting a losing battle against the blue arctic night. “Does it turn you on?”

I run my finger up the smooth, creamy skin of her bare calf. “Are you soaked right now, Stella? Does conquering men and striving for power make you wet, baby?”



“When a woman is talking to you, listen to what she says with her eyes.” Victor Hugo

Histouchandwordscause goosebumps to rise across my skin. Those slate-gray eyes meeting mine with heated seduction and promises of debauchery. His charcoal suit is perfectly tailored to his large, powerful body. Those wide shoulders stretching the material and that broad, powerful chest pushing against the fabric of his crisp white dress shirt causing saliva to pool in my mouth. I watch as he first licks and then bites his full bottom lip, tempting me to lean forward and take it into my own mouth. Did he come here to tempt me like the snake did to Eve in the garden of paradise?

He is temptation, and the promise of sin all rolled into one, and he knows it. The sexiest, most intriguing man I have known, waiting to destroy me and bring me to my knees. Everything about him is designed to entice the female race. He was crafted by divine hands to be our downfall, and it seems I am no more immune than any other woman.

He leans further into my space, his scent tickling my senses and causing my body to soften for him. His fingers slide further up the inside of my leg and below the hem of my dark green conservative pencil skirt. They don’t stop until they reach the trim of my panties and I can’t seem to force myself to end his actions. I tell myself that I just want to see how daring he will be. That this is a game we are both playing, but the truth is I want him to touch me. I want him to ravish me over and over and then I want to drag him to his knees before me so that I too can have a taste of power. Power over Jaxon is a drug and I am about to be a willing addict.

“Open wider, beautiful wife. I want to feel how drenched that pretty pussy of yours is right now.” There’s a rose flush starting on his jaw, his gaze is locked on mine with tantalizing intent and suggestive of all the enjoyment he can provide me. The look of longing and desire across his features has me doing his bidding and opening my legs as wide as the skirt allows.
