Page 97 of Dysfunctional

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Kevin looks scared but tries to keep a brave face. “You’re both wrong. I’m gonna go. I don’t have time for this shit.”

Kaspian’s eyes darken as his anger unfurls, and Kevin turns his back on him, his massive camping backpack covering him up to his head. It’s a mistake to give your back to Kas, and one he’ll soon realize. Kaspian grips the hunting knife in his hand, and with a swiftness Kevin wasn’t expecting, Kas is at his back, his arm reaching around and plunging the blade into Kevin’s gut.

A shocked gasp and a garbled groan leave his mouth as Kaspian removes the knife while simultaneously threading his fingers in Kevin’s hair. He yanks his head back and brings the blade across his throat, blood spewing from the wound. He shoves him to the side, and his heavy backpack makes it easy to send him over the edge. We watch as he tumbles backward into the waterfall where the gushing water swallows him up.

“Fucking sicko,” Kaspian mutters, wiping his blade in the mud by his feet.

I reach out and grab his jacket, yanking him into me. “I likeyourkind of sickness.”

He grins. “How much?”

“Want me to show you?”

His chin dips slightly as his smile grows.

We don’t journey back to the trail, instead continuing up past the waterfall, where the elevation gets to forty-five hundred feet. Eventually, we find what we’re looking for, having already familiarized ourselves. The clifftop is flat and wide, allowing us room to drop our bags and sit. Over the tops of trees and in between even larger ones, we have a view of alpine glaciers in the mountains across the bay. Water stretches for miles, leading into the North Pacific Ocean.

Alaska is exactly what we needed. The serene beauty and peaceful areas we’ve found give us the opposite of what’s constantly in our heads and hearts—ugly, loud, chaotic thoughts and desires.

We won’t change who we are. As the saying goes, a leopard can’t change its spots. But we don’t want each other to change. We were drawn to each other for these exact reasons. We accept and need the other person to be exactly who they are, because we get precisely what we need from one another. Maybe nobody else understands, but we do. Together, we feel normal.

Kaspian leans back on his palms, looking out over the view. I scoot closer to him and put my lips next to his ear as my hand slips between his legs.

“Get on your hands and knees. You can enjoy the view while I fuck you.”

His eyes flicker to mine, his lips curving into a smile. “I was just thinking I wanted to do the same to you.”

“Later,” I say. “At home.”


It finally feels like I have one.
