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“Yeah, so?”

“I mean, you’re not a calming sort of person.”

“Sure, I am.”


Valdemar considered this. Finally, he shrugged again and sat down opposite from Niles.

Niles started to pick at the label on his beer. “What’s she even doing here? I thought she’d be at the Dev. The whole reason she wanted to leave was to go to the Dev. SeeTommy.” He emphasized the name in a mocking high-pitched tone.

“Tommy Boyles?”

“Yeah, exactly.”

“Wait, I’ve seen her with him before. They’re like, um—”

“No, they’re not.”

“You double-penetrated the girlfriend of the bass player of Sour Suckers?”

“She’s not his girlfriend. They’re just in a casual live-in relationship where they have sex with each other, so it’s like she’s completely single.” Niles drank more beer.

“A casual, live-in relationship.”

“Shut up.”

“You know, that’s not a thing.”

“Well, it’s maybe not casual. It’sopen. I don’t know.”

“He does seem to always be with a different girl,” said Valdemar, thinking about it. He drank beer. “Hey, didn’t we have a conversation, relatively recently, where you said casual relationships didn’t happen anymore? Didn’t you say that women didn’tdothat with men?”

Niles shrugged. “Who understands Gen Z?”

“She’s not Gen Z.” Valdi got out his phone. “How old are Gen Z-ers? Aren’t they twelve?” His fingers flew over the screen, his brow furrowed. “Shit.”


“Okay, she might be Gen Z.” Valdemar considered the phone screen.

“Put the phone away and act like a proper fucking Millennial?”

“No, we’re Millennials because we’re always on our phones, right?”

“I hate you.”

“You dragged me out of bed for this, and away from my very, very sexy girlfriend, so I think you should just be grateful.”

“Sorry,” muttered Niles. He drank more beer. “Seriously, what’s up with this Kevin emergency?”

“Oh, who knows.” Valdemar shrugged. “He just walked off the stage in the middle of a song. I guess the band tried to play without him for two or three more songs, but then they gave up, and by then he was long gone.”

“Were you at the show?”

“No. But Eloise was.”

“Oh, right, Kevin’s sister.”
