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“Yes,” she breathed.

“Right here,” he said, “where anyone could see.”


So, he kissed her.

And she kissed him back.

And Niles crushed her to him. This was it. This was being sure. She was amazing. She was his. He was not going to fuck this up.

THEY DRANK TOOmuch, and Niles’s car was in town, and he didn’t want to drive it, so they had to walk all the way back to his apartment, a long walk that was at least sobering.

They discussed going back to her place, but decided they couldn’t do that, that the thing with Tommy was too fresh and too strange. Anyway, Niles wasn’t sure about roommates. It was something he was long past in his life, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to go back. Her place was definitely closer to the bar, though, so there was that.

They walked—well, she walked, he slithered, he supposed—holding hands, which was nice in a way that he didn’t even know how to experience. Sweet and simple and good. It made them a society of two, connected, enjoying each other’s closeness.

She kept looking at him in this way, a way he didn’t deserve to be looked at by a woman. And maybe especially not this woman.

How had this happened?

That morning, he had been trying to convince himself to be okay with sharing her and worried about having to keep whatever he felt from her a secret, and now, everything was different. She was his, and everyone had seen them in the bar, and it was all out in the open now.

Back at his apartment, she lay on the bed in his loft, yawning, writhing into him, stripped down to her shirt and panties for sleep.

“We’re tired,” he murmured into the skin just below her earlobe, even as his greedy hands explored her body. He loved that she was here, that he could touch her. It was all amazingly good. “We should just sleep.”

“Mmm,” she said. “That’s exactly what we should do.” Her hands were exploring his scales, rubbing over him, and his cocks thought this was an invitation to wake up. She found him bulging, and she rubbed him there, though his scales. “Sorry.”

“Yeah, I hate that,” he chuckled, but, encouraged, he slid his hand up and gathered up a handful of her breast to knead.

She let out the cutest little breathy moan and his cocks sprang right out in response it, both crazy hard and eager for her.

“Oh, hi there,” she said brightly, rubbing first one and then the other.

He grunted.

She giggled. She changed position, straddling him on the bed, her head nearly bumping into the loft, and she settled there, thighs spanning his snake body, and began exploring his cocks with both of her hands.

He was done for. “Fuck,” he breathed, and let her do that.

She wasn’t trying to make him come, just was moving her fingers over him, seeking out his girth and length. Then, she seized one in her fist and jerked him hard.

“Dahlia,” he said in a tattered voice.

She got the other one too. She began to jack both of them off, one in each hand, and in an off rhythm, so it was one fist moving down as the other moved up, and this was mesmerizingly good. He moaned. His tail wormed inside her shirt.

She sighed.

He teased one of her nipples with the tip of his tail.

She let out another of her little breathy moans, and his cocks jerked in response.

He teased her other nipple with his tail.

She bent down to capture his lips. But she had to let go of one of his cocks to catch herself, so she sat back up and picked it back up.

He sighed. That felt amazing.
