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Why wasn’t he waking up?

Wasn’t there a thing if people were unconscious for too long, they could have brain damage?

She let out a little horrified whine.

If I’ve damaged him permanently, I’m going to kill myself,she thought to herself.

And she meant it, which terrified her.

She let out another whine.


Her head jerked up.

It was Tommy, in the doorway of the bedroom. “What happened?”

She still had the flaming wings. They were dragging down behind her, letting up wafts of smoke, which was filling up the whole apartment. It was magic smoke, though. It would dissipate soon enough. You couldn’t choke on it. “I… I ran into someone who was about to die.”

“You called him and not me?” Tommy chewed on his lower lip. “Are we still us, Dahlia?”

“We’re always us, but I was about to lose it, and I knew you wouldn’t get there in time, and I didn’t think I could control myself. And, well, I couldn’t. Look at him.”

“You should have let me talk to him if you were going to do it to him,” said Tommy. “I could have told him how to handle you.”

“Oh, there’s a way to do that?” She was sharp and sarcastic.

“I mean, yeah,” he said. “You were on him too long, that’s all. He’ll be fine. He’ll sleep for an hour or two.”

“This is… what? This is normal?”

“Why do you think I always push you off?” said Tommy. “If I don’t get a break, it would knock me out too.”


“Come on,” said Tommy. “Let him sleep. You go get in a cold shower.”

She ran a hand over her face, tears falling like rain. “Oh, briars, briars, briars—”

“You can’t help it, so there’s no use being all guilty about it,” said Tommy. He seized her by the wrist and pulled her out of the room. “Shower. Now.”

She was still sobbing.

He pulled her in against his chest and held onto her. “Hey, I’m sorry I’m such a flake.”

“You’re… you’re not.” She pulled away and looked up at him.

He brushed her tears away with one of his thumbs. “I obviously am, or you would have trusted me enough to call me. I would come, you know. I’d drop everything.”

“But you wouldn’t always answer the phone.”

“If it’s on me,” he said.

“Is your phone on you now?” she asked pointedly.

He felt around in one pocket and then another and then another and then he sighed. “Okay, fine. Point made.”

She rested her forehead against his sternum. “Tommy, I could have killed him.”
