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The other two raised two of their hands to wave, one of the hands twisting in in that unnatural way.

She couldn’t help but gape at it.

All three of them laughed again.

“We’re brothers, but we’re more than that,” said Lucian. “Like, we’re connected. We can sense things about each other.”

“Seriously?” she said.

“Yeah,” said Laird. “It’s more intense when we’re shifted. Then we almost can read each other’s minds, but in this form it’s more just… emotional sense? Like, if Leo gets pissed off, we all feel it. Sometimes it’s annoying, because I don’t want to be mad, so I get mad at him for making me mad.”

“Yeah, we’ve attempted, on numerous occasions to get in fistfights with ourself, but, uh, it’s complicated.”

“Because we share arms,” said Laird.

“Yeah,” she said, blinking at them. “Yeah.”

They grinned at her.

She grinned back. “Okay, but let’s change the subject. You have to be sick of talking about how different you are all the time.”

“No, once we exhaust that subject, we have nothing to talk about,” said Leo, snickering.

“I get it,” she said.

All three of them raised their eyebrows, looking as if they didn’t believe her.

“I’m not an elf,” she said. She turned around and pulled down the back of her shirt, exposing her wing nubs, something she never did.

“Whoa,” said Laird. “Are you like part phoenix?”

“No,” she said, turning around. “I’m, um, a raven mocker.”

The three exchanged a glance and then shrugged together. They turned back to her with three wide, identical grins.

“Never heard of it,” said Lucian.

“Yeah, most people haven’t. I’m rare, too.”

They surveyed her, and she could feel the acceptance wafting off of them.

“I have…” She gestured. “It’s not good, actually. I have cravings. I get out of control.”

“Yeah?” said Leo. “Once a month?”

“Oh, right,” she said, nodding. “You’re werewolves.”

“We areawerewolf,” said Lucian, waggling his eyebrows. “A deadly, three-headed cerberus werewolf with three mouths of very sharp teeth.”

She laughed. “Yeah, but werewolves, like, you guys keep the deer population in check, right? Werewolves never attack people.”

They all raised their eyebrows at her again.

“Not never, I guess. I mean, just…” She swallowed. “How, um, how out of control do you feel when you shift? You said that you guys can read each other’s minds?”

“Not exactly,” said Leo. “Our minds are different in wolf form. It’s less like being in this form. It’s, um, it’s more instinctive.”

“It’s nice,” said Lucian. “Less chatter.”
