Page 31 of Deadly Knight

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And today, at what should have been a routine opening ceremony, he’d found happiness in Maya’s smile, in her laugh, and in the hope she carried in her heart without fail. Kostya hadn’t been planning for anything more than a routine day out, but seeing Maya like this, and noticing how much of an impact she had on his life, brought him to make a quick decision.

He closed his arms around her and pulled her in tight. His lips brushed against her earlobe, and she shuddered for him like a flower caught in a strong wind. “Fifty beds is a fine start, I agree, but I promise, if you change your name to Sokolov, I’ll secure the funding for the extra hundred, as well as whatever else your heart desires. I’m in love with you, Maya. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?”

“Kostya?” Maya asked in a startled whisper. She pushed back from him, her eyes wide. “You’re…you’re joking, right?”

Kostya narrowed his eyes. “Do I joke?”

Maya covered her mouth with her hand to hide a snicker. “I mean, did you really think you had to bribe me to marry you? Since the day we met, I’ve been smitten. So,yes.Yes, forever and for always. And you don’t have to fund those beds to win my love. All you have to do is be yourself.”

The words touched him. He hadn’t realized how much her unwavering support had meant until this moment. All his life, he’d been treated as a weapon or a commodity, but to Maya, he was worth so much more.

“We’ll make it two hundred beds,” Kostya whispered. He closed the distance between them again and kissed her fiercely, stealing the breath from her lungs and plucking a squeak from her throat.

Kostya had come to London on a hunt for the enemy, but he’d come away with a love that would last a lifetime—a love that had changed his perception of himself, and others, in fundamental ways. He would never let this love go. On the day Maya wore his ring, he would be hers forever. His heart would never wander, and his mind would never question, “what if?”

Far from the family he knew, he’d found his home, and it didn’t matter where life took him from here. As long as he made the journey with Maya, he would be happy anywhere. His Mad Dog days were over. He’d found where he belonged.



Three months later

The bottom hem of her simple mermaid dress swept the floor and hid her kitten heels. Maya twisted in front of the mirror, examining how the minuscule rhinestones sewn into the fabric sparkled in the light. The detailing wasn’t excessive or exaggerated—there was only enough bling to draw the eye.

She’d never seen herself look so beautiful before.

“Are you sure you don’t want more rhinestones?” Elena asked. She stood at Maya’s side, examining her reflection in the mirror just as Maya did. “There’s still a chance if you want to up your bling levels. I can have a seamstress come in last-minute and add them in for you.”

“No.” Maya shook her head. She traced her hands down her flat stomach and over the smooth white fabric that seemed to be molded to her body. “This is perfect.”

A delicate crown of flowers rested atop her head, its blooms tiny and understated. Maya wore no jewelry, and her makeup was minimal. She hadn’t wanted a big wedding, and with Kostya in agreement, they’d settled for a simple Town Hall commitment. It wasn’t typical for either of their families, but she was of the opinion that neither of them were typical, either. What mattered was that it felt right. And seeing herself in her wedding dress, glowing in anticipation of the day to come, Maya knew she hadn’t made a mistake. This was what she wanted. It would be one of the happiest days of her life.

“Then you’re ready to go?” Elena asked. “The others will meet us there. I can’t believe Roman is driving you. You should have let me hire you a limo. You’re supposed to feel special today!”

All Maya could do was smile. Elena would never understand, and that was okay. How could she know that, just by knowing that Kostya loved her, she already felt special beyond belief?

They left for Town Hall together.

* * *

Kostya looked charming in his gray bespoke suit and tie. Since moving to London with her, he’d frequented Savile Row a few times and had several new suits made, none of which were black. Maya thought he was gorgeous. He had a scar on his head that almost matched Viktor’s and her sister had joked that he was just making sure everyone knew they were related since he didn’t live in Boston anymore.

Looking at him now, he was a far cry from the broken man Maya had rescued from the alley on the night they’d met. He stood beside Viktor and Roman, who looked nearly as handsome in their own formal wear. Alexandra, Elena’s best friend and Viktor’s wife, stood with them, looking beautiful in her cocktail dress. The dress hugged her body, showing off her baby bump, which Elena announced had popped a couple weeks ago. Her sister looked beautiful in her cocktail dress. It was in her signature pink, of course, but it was surprisingly understated for her sister. Today wasn’t the day for long, sweeping gowns or extravagance. Maya almost felt overdressed, but she loved the way the fabric hugged her curves and gave her fantastic hips. She knew that when Kostya saw her, he wouldn’t be able to look away. Today, his attention was all that mattered.

Kostya, Viktor, and Alexandra stood outside Town Hall, likely discussing the events of the day. Roman had only just made it over to them. Maya had elected to stay in the backseat of the car for a moment longer while Elena fussed with her dress and muttered under her breath about the lack of rhinestones. Despite how unpalatable her sister’s behavior could be, Maya had been doing her best to welcome Elena back into her life…especially now that their mother was alive and slowly recovering while under the care of the Sokolovs.

Her mother wasn’t in any condition to travel, but Maya made a point to videochat with her whenever her mother was able. She’d been surprised to find out about the circumstances around her mother’s faked death—especially the fact that her father had conspired to steal their mother’s inheritance. Her grandparents, whom she barely remembered, had placed a stipulation in their will that upon Raisa’s death, the money was to be split between the sisters. Obviously, her father couldn’t let that happen, which was why he’d never wanted a funeral for her, even if it would have been fake.

When Maya had found out there was money set aside for her, she’d been thankful. Since moving to London six years ago, money had always been a struggle for her because she’d refused to take anything her father might offer—and working for a nonprofit was a labor of love that barely covered her bills. When Kostya had told her that he had plenty of money to support both of them and that she wouldn’t need to touch her inheritance, she’d thanked him and began looking at where her money might do the most good for those in need.

She still hadn’t grieved the loss of her father. He’d hurt so many people over the years, including those he should have protected. His death had been cause for celebration by many, Maya included, even if she didn’t share that with anyone other than Kostya.

The shift in power and challenges for parts of her father’s business stakes had kept Kostya busy, but at least he wasn’t hurting anyone.

Maya now had a fresh chance to connect with her family in healthy ways, and she was glad for the opportunity. They were closer now than they’d ever been before, and as the years went on, she hoped they would all continue to bond. She was about to become a Sokolov, after all—there would be plenty of opportunity to see her family, both blood relations and in-laws, on the frequent trips to Boston she planned to take with Kostya.

“All right,” Elena declared. “I think you’re set. You look lovely.”
