Page 21 of Heart of Sin

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This couldn’t be more real.

Louis comes too, though I don’t know when. I’m too damn gone.

By the time he’s setting me on my feet, I need a shower and complete change of outfit. He backs me up against the wall, smiling, and kisses me again.

“Didn’t even make it out of the penthouse to that dinner.”

We try again an hour later.

Showered and in a new change of clothes, we emerge from the penthouse. Louis behaves himself. Though I sure as hell don’t. All the chemicals released from the orgasm have left me in a good mood. In the elevator, I seduce him with kisses and whisper in his ear the things I plan to do to him later in the night.

He gropes my ass and groans. “Tasha, you make asoldatonever want to leave.”

So don’t.

I stomp down that thought. This is still business. An arrangement. One I’m enjoying more than I should, but if the time comes for me to end it—whenthe time comes for me to end it—I’ll move on. I’ll take my cash and bounce.

“I’ve been thinking,” Louis says as if reading my mind. “How much more if we’re exclusive, exclusive?”

I stop toying with the buttons on his shirt and look up at him. “As in?”

“No more other men. Even when I’m not around.”

“You mean…?”

“I don’t like that you provide services in the VIP rooms when we’re apart. That you’re still escorting.”

Shocked, I don’t know what to say. “Louis… what…”

“I’ll pay more. Just so you don’t do it anymore.”

“Our agreement was—”

“I know what it was. But I want you all to myself.”

“This is not the time to talk about this.”

“Then when is a time to talk about it?”

“Not now. In an elevator on the way to dinner.”

We reach our floor and the elevator doors open. I rush out and Louis follows. We’re on the crowded casino floor of the Vittoria. I’m striding several paces ahead of Louis. Irritation’s rising up inside me at his audacity to ruin what was a good moment.

He just can’t do it. He always has to try and change me.

I hear him calling my name. I don’t slow down.

In the worst timing possible, a bleary-eyed guy in a wrinkled suit at the craps table recognizes me. One of the regulars from the club.

“Vixen!” he yells. He stumbles over, digging inside his suit jacket for crumpled bills. “Start shaking that ass!”

He’s obviously faded. Drunk out of his fucking mind.

Which is why he tosses the bills at me like we’re at the club and I’m on the stage.

I freeze as others look over, confused by the scene unfolding. Normally, I wouldn’t let anybody throw me off, but right now’s a rare exception

Louis acts first. He charges at the guy in full enforcer mode, and KOs him with one slam of his fist.
