Page 176 of Savage Roses

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Because it’s what Lucius detested, what he feared. The idea I’d steal his thunder. I’d do what Volchok did and prove I’m the better man. I’m superior and he’s inadequate. It’s a finalfuck youto the asshole who hates my guts from the moment I came into the world. I took it all: his position, his family, his operations, even his damnname.

“I’m your god,” I sneer whenever I visit his broken down, half lifeless body in the basement. I laugh about it whenever browsing his old office. I chuck a knife at a portrait on the wall he had hung up of himself, some old photograph of him meeting with a congressman at Grimaldi’s. A cigar dangles from his fat lips and greed shines on his ugly, pudgy face. My knife lands where I want it, nabbing him in his beady eyes. “What’s yours is mine, Pop.”

I still haven’t decided what to do with him in the long term.

For now, I’ve been enjoying making him suffer, keeping him chained up as my little disfigured pet I go play with every so often.

My first order of business as head of the Mancino family is calling another meeting between the main Families.

I have one goal in mind—establishing a new order that’s a far cry from the tenuous alliance Lucius relished in.

I’ve got no problem with any of the other Families. Except the Belinis, but even our beef was squashed when I murdered Hector and Giorgio in cold blood for coming after Delphine. Frausto seems much more sensible and keen on the idea of minding his business.

The five of us establish a way forward. Still with the Mancino’s at the helm, but with the others satisfied with their territory and level of power. The Giancolas and Saitos depart the meeting with respectful nods and quiet murmurs. Frausto shakes my hand and tells me he’s good with how things are panning out.

It’s just me and Kozlov left. Our enforcers backing us both as I sit at the head of the table and he sits a few chairs down.

The stoic man gives no clue as to how he feels. His icy dark eyes are dead and unblinking. His grizzled beard conceals part of his tight-lipped mouth. After another moment of drawn-out silence, he rises from his chair and holds out his hand.

“We can be allied,” he says. “It has been many years since the Crotones and Kozlovs were cordial. Lucius destroyed the relationship we built.”

I rise to meet him face to face, accepting his handshake. “That sounds like it would be mutually beneficial. We’ll continue employing your contractors.”

“And we’ll continue utilizing your club for our business dealings.”

“But understand,” I say coolly, sticking my hands in my pockets. “The first sign of a double-cross, and Iwillkill you. I might not be an insufferable tyrant like he was, but I am nobody to fuck with. I will ruin your life if you even think about it.”

Kozlov’s mouth shifts unnaturally, his lips spasming into a distant smile. The first I’ve ever seen out of him. He could be told he’s won a billion bucks and he’d still have a flat, somber expression. Yet here he is, doing his stoic Russian impersonation of a smile.

“You are Volchok’s son,” he says with a nod. “You are part of my family as much as you are part of the Crotone.”

It’s true. Though I have allegiance to myself and my men more than anything. I couldn’t give less of a fuck about family alliances beyond keeping ours on top and keeping theirs in line.

“If you knew he was alive all these years, you would’ve waged war, wouldn’t you?”

“For Lucius and the lies? Yes,” answers Kozlov in his thick, gritty accent. “I would have killed him myself for what he did.”

“He died so I could make sure Lucius went down. Stefania’s death was the last straw.”

“That comes as no surprise. However, it seems it has worked out in a way that has righted wrongs.”

Kozlov walks off with his burly crew of mean-faced Russian enforcers.

Stitches whistles and pulls off his glasses to wipe on his shirt. “Would it kill them to smile a few times a day? Talk about taking yourselves too seriously.Sheesh.”

I raise a brow at him. “You could use taking yourself more seriously.”

“Very funny. If anything, we need more laughter these days! It wouldn’t kill you to smile more either.”

For as much shit as I give him, Stitches is right. After fighting the battles and winning the war we have, we all could use more laughter, more good times, right now.

It’s something on my mind as the months go by and the weather heats up. I’m busy with the transition taking over Lucius’s empire, but that doesn’t mean I don’t make time for other things.

Delphine and I agree we need help—professionalhelp.

Rhino’s ex-wife, Aria, happens to be a former therapist. I give it a try. It’s nothing I’ll do permanently, but Aria’s able to get me to hash out my childhood issues that still factor into my behavior nowadays; she’s able to get me tosleep. No more am I staying up for twenty, twenty-two hours a day on high alert, paranoid shit might pop off at any moment.
