Page 10 of Cursed with Fortune

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“Oh. That’s not as dumb as I thought.”

“Right?” Jamie turned to Arthur. “You seen Anthony?”

“Nope. He better stay hidden, too. That cat ain’t no joke. She caught us fast.”

I snarled at the boys smiling inside when they jumped back, and then I walked off to explore more. The scent of the giant had changed. He must’ve showered. Padding quietly through the house, I found him lying on a bed.

If I had to guess, I bet this is his bedroom.

His chest rose and fell and I slunk over to the side of the bed and sat there, studying him while he slept. His dark hair was curling by his forehead, and for a giant, he had this cute button nose. He was certainly long. I would bet he was at least eight to nine feet tall. He chuffed in his sleep, making me jump back, and his hand flopped over the edge of the bed.

I crept closer and sniffed his hand. It smelled clean, like fresh washed laundry.

It couldn’t hurt to rub on it and feel it.

I lifted my head and rubbed against it, giving a soft purr. This all felt new to me, not just being a cat, but wanting to be touched. My parents called me a “touch-me-not”, which wasn’t a lie. I hated being touched.

Except I wantedhistouch. The fingers on his hand moved, giving me a slight scratch on the top of my head, which startled me, and I ducked under the bed.

Whew, that was a close one. I need to figure out what’s wrong with me.

I closed my eyes and thought of my dreams to be a famous designer when I felt something brush against my back. A quick sniff of dirty sweat and fear in the air let me know the third gnome thought he could get by me.

I waited for the movement to go past and for him to be where I could capture him. He must’ve thought he could belly crawl beside me, and I wouldn’t notice. Young gnomes always thought they were smarter than they were.

Through the narrowed slits of my eyelids, I watched that little punk reach over and boop me on the nose.

Aw hell no.

My mouth swiftly opened and closed. Before he knew what happened, I had him in my mouth.

Ugh, he tastes like he smells.

The kid screamed so loudly it echoed under the bed and I bit down harder than I’d planned, which made him scream more. The giant’s feet hit the floor, and I crawled out from under the bed, looking up at the giant.

He held out his hand under my chin and I spit the brat into his palm and he closed his fingers around him.

“Good, Pricilla.” His other hand reached out to pet me and I tilted my head into the caress.

As I relaxed into the affection, I glanced up and my eyes locked on to something that was dangling between the giant’s legs.

Holy. Cats.That’shis penis? It’s so big! It could knock a girl out if it thumped her head! Does that even fit inside? Oh gods! It’s flopping around, it’s not even hard! It’s that big soft!

I blinked a few more times and, shaking my shock off, dashed off to find a safe place to hide. My mouth was drooling. I didn’t understand why and from behind me; I heard the giant dealing with the third kid.

The top of the bookshelf looked like a great place to hide. I scrambled to the top and mewled softly.

I wanted to go home.

Chapter Four


I wasn’t sure where my girl was going to slink off to, but I knew enough to know she needed to explore her surroundings and settle in. I made sure she had some crunchy kibble and fresh water before I went to shower.

Stripping down, I thought about the young gnome in the cage. Gnomes from all over the Forgotten Worlds were always climbing the damn beanstalks. As annoying as it could be, most of us Cloud Giants just returned them.

There were a few older giants who were tired of it and would find other torturous ways to deal with what we thought of as infestations. Some kids tried to steal, some were just curious, but with every beanstalk, it brought another infestation.
