Page 30 of Their Broken Legend

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A week? A month?

The sound of Chloe slurping her iced tea through the stainless-steel straw she brought from home is enough to carry her displeasure through the warm air, reminding me that this is not home and not where I should be.

Chloe is still eyeballing the communal pool with the same disgust she might a toilet bowl. As though all the germs within its blue depths will form an alliance, create a monster from their individual bodies, and emerge from the deep to find her on the sun lounger.

“It’s clean!” I say for the umpteenth time, although I have no idea if that’s true or not. It looks clean. There was a maintenance man out here, poking around with a stick and a net, but I haven’t convinced myself to dip a toe in yet.

And Iloveswimming.

Chloe stares as Kenno breaks the surface, her pinched expression making it obvious she now wants to pour a bucket of bleach over her almost-boyfriend/most-nights-balls-deep-inside-her/bickering-partner’s shaggy blonde head. Cleanse him.

“If Brian gets an STD from that water,” she warns, “and then I get it…” She clicks her tongue. “Girl, I’m rubbing my infected vag juices on your face.”

“Sharin’ is carin,’” Brian yells from Chloe’s watery nightmare, wading over to the edge. Lifting himself from the pool with the athletic dexterity all the football boys have, he then plonks himself down on the lip. His legs sway in the water while he tilts his head and slaps the top ear. It appears he’s trying to drain water from his lower ear.

Not the sharpest tool in the box.

But one hell of a football player.

Chloe twists to face me. "You should stay withme, Kaya.” She sounds simply appalled by my circumstances.I hate it.“I mean it. How long are you stuck here?”

“You should stay with Grayson. He’s in love with you,” Kenno calls over, but we ignore him.

“We can’t afford my dad’s bail.” I can’t even look at her as I say that. “We…” I take a big breath and slowly force the words out, the same ones I’m coming to terms with.“Don’t. Have. Any. Money.” I can’t get him free.

“Stay with me! I’ll be your sugar daddy!”

"And Fred?” I mention, reminding her of her dad’s predisposition to eye fuck me in front of her mother dearest. “Veronica would be okay with that?”

Disgust transforms her face. She slumps back, returning her tight gaze forward, eyeing the pool. "Eww.Dad."

"Yeah,”—I nod— “eww.”

"It’s not Fred’s fault. You don't know what you look like, do you, Kaya?" Brian yells from the other side of the pool, now towelling his legs from his ankles to his thick footy thighs. “You act like you got no clue what it’s like for us.”

Chloe rolls her eyes. "She knows she's pretty.”

"Fucking hell.” He shakes his head with a deep chortle. “Yeah-nah.There’s pretty, and then there’s Kaya Lovit.”

My jaw drops, and I pointedly dart my eyes to Chloe. "Brian!"

She sucks her tea harder, absolute do-not-give-a-fuck etched across her puckered lips. Then she goes, "Excuse me?”

“She's notmytype.” Brian arrives at Chloe’s side, slouching down on the edge of her lounger, shaking his germ-infested hair all over her sleek bikini-clad body.

She kicks him off the lounger. His big body thumps to the pavers, as he laughs the words, “Every guy knows she’s hard work, honey. I want someone who’ll cuddle me."

Chloe deadpans, her blue eyes narrowing to mocking slits. “But you think she's prettier than me,Kenno?”

Whoops.He freezes like he’s seen a ghost, and that ghost can’t get him out of the hole he’s digging. “Well… ah… there’s… I mean—”

Chloe and I look at each other, and then crack up laughing. "Just fucking with you,” she hollers. “I love Kaya. You can’t be her bestie and not come to terms with the fact she's a goddess. I’d tongue her vag for no payoff, too.”

I grin hard. “Say, Kenno,” I start, his masculine prowess conjuring panthers to mind, and that particular animal raising my pulse. “Why do guys let me use them?” I mock. “Like a bunch of dirty, little sluts. Don't they have any dignity?"

Chloe scoffs through a chuckle with the straw still between her pink-painted lips. “Little hussies,” she talks around the straw. “Like using a worn-out piece of leather to polish a Porsche will ever award you an orgasm. Kaya deserves better than them. All except Xander, that is. He’s more than Kaya’s usualdébutant.”

My heart double taps in my chest. His name, somehow, does that. I remember how much I wanted to join him in the shower, just to watch him stroke his cock. To touch it, maybe. Feel it pulse. I mumble under my breath, "Like using panther furs.”
