Page 49 of Just Mr. Love

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“He’s a madman, and everyone knows it,” Kyle says dismissively.

“Yet you forced him to work for you because you thought he was the only one who could recreate me.”

“He’s still crazier than a barrel of monkeys, not to mention he’s a wanted murderer.”

“You tried to have your own brother killed, Kyle. You have River locked up right now because youstillwant me dead. I’d say that puts you in the same barrel as Morris, and I’m willing to go public, too.”

“No one will believe you either, Huff, because society sees you as a threat. A freak. In fact, I’m working on getting a bill passed, making you an outlaw—the Anti-Genetically-Modified Persons Act.”

He’s making me illegal. That’s interesting. “I guess that’s supposed to scare me?”

“The bill will make it illegal for anyone but the US government to modify people’s DNA and turn them into weapons. Any persons who are modified are subject to seizure. No rights. No protection under the Constitution. You might as well be from another planet. Basically ET. Turn yourself in, Huff, and I’ll make sure you’re given a painless death.”

Jeez, what a fuck nut.“What happened to you, Kyle? What turned you into such an evil cunt? Wait. Hold on. Let me guess. You’ve twisted your work in your mind and believe no sin is too great because you’re saving people in the long run. You believe you’re the hero in your own story. But really? You’re just like every other evil politician, willing to sell out anyone—even your own family—for power. You’re the villain, Kyle, but not just in my story. You’re the villain ineveryone’sstory.”

“Goodbye, Huff. Enjoy being a fugitive for the rest of your life—what’s left of it.”

He ends the call, and I’m feeling pretty damned proud of myself. I recorded the entire conversation, and he just basically confessed to everything.Point for Mr. Love!

Will it make a difference? Maybe not for me, but I hope for River. It’ll be difficult for Kyle to keep her now. He’ll want to discredit me in any way possible and prove River is somewhere safe. Will he let Keni go, too? She’s a wanted fugitive like Morris, so I’m not sure.

I sigh, feeling a little messed up over this situation, but I didn’t create it. I didn’t turn Kyle into a coldhearted asshole.

Funny, how did I end with too much heart, and he ended up with none?I think of Joy and how she was always a bright light in my life. When I was down, my sister’s smile picked me up. She always knew just what to say. She was pure-hearted. Since her tragic death, I’ve put her on a pedestal, but not in a bad way. Her memory reminds me of whom I admire and whom I don’t.

I suddenly catch a whiff of her strawberry shampoo in the air. I look around the club. I know she’s not here, and my mind is playing tricks, but I swear I can smell her. I press my hand over my heart. It feels warm and calm all of sudden. Maybe she’s always been right here, watching over me.

“Hey! Are you Just Mr. Love?” says a pretty woman in a hot pink sequined dress, pulling me from my thoughts.

I almost correct her, but I don’t care anymore. I have bigger issues than a problematic hero name. “That’s me, just and full of love.”

“Can I take a selfie with you?”

“Sure. Why not?” This is exactly what I came for.

She stands close and snaps one off. “Thank you so much! Hey, guys! Over here!” She waves a group of her friends over. “It’s Just Mr. Love!”

Suddenly, they’re all lining up for selfies. This is great. Kyle’s going to see pictures of me all over social media. It’ll only help to sell my story—that I don’t care about River, him, or any of his BS. I’m not his toy anymore.

After a few minutes, celebrities are coming up, wanting to take photos with me, too. It’s pretty amazing. I’ve always wanted to meet Ivor Stretton, from theFast and the Forgetful—a really hilarious movie about this guy who always forgets his keys in the middle of a heist. I also meet Kady M., who’s one of the prettiest actresses in the world, in my humble opinion. Her work inEspresso Pantieswas the shit.

I spend hours mingling, drinking, and dancing. I’ve never been social. I’ve never been to a club. I’ve never been around so many friendly, beautiful, famous people, and they all want to talk to me. This is awesome.

It’s almost midnight when the patrons stop dancing and start looking at their phones. Everyone’s talking frantically.

I pull out my phone, too. Twittster is exploding with the interview Luna just posted. I wait to see how the crowd reacts. Are they going to believe Morris? Or are they going to keep believing it’s the end of the world for millions?

People start looking over at me. Smiles. They’re all smiling.

I go back to my phone and scroll through the interview. I read the subtitles because the music is too loud:“The world has been waiting for a real man to step up and fight for us all, and I’m here to tell you that Mr. Love is all in—a real life superhero.”

My ego gets all pumped. Then I notice that our kiss is also trending. Millions of views already. And everyone’s hailing me as a hero for uncovering this massive government mindfuck.

For the first time in my life, I feel proud of myself. I didn’t run. I didn’t martyr myself. I told the truth. Mostly. And I stood up to a powerful, corrupt bully.

Maybe being Mr. Love really is my destiny.

I go outside to call Luna. “Hey, good job with the story.”
