Page 1 of Resisting Rory

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They sayif you lie down with dogs, you get fleas. I can’t help but think there’s some truth to that. I feel slightly grubby, as if I’ve done something wrong. Although the club looks great, and people are enjoying themselves, I wonder if I made a mistake in accepting work from Andrew Donovan.

He may masquerade as a respectable businessman, but everyone knows his family heads up one of the most ruthless criminal organizations in the country. I hesitate to use the word Mafia, but that’s exactly what they are. It bothers me to think I’m playing a part, however small, in making them richer. What sort of person does accepting money from them make me?

The club is the second I’ve designed for Andrew. The first was in the basement of one of his family’s luxury hotels, another front for their illegal activities. I was called in to finish the job after the previous designer let him down.

It was actually Andrew’s wife, Libby, who reached out to me. We were at school together. I thought she was doing me a favor, throwing a prestigious design project my way, but now I’m not so sure.

Her husband has me working on a third nightclub remodel for him, and I’m starting to wonder if I’ll ever get the chance to do other projects. Once you’re involved with people like the Donovans, it’s hard to find a way out.

I didn’t want to come here tonight. The less time I spend around the family, the better. But it’s the grand opening and it would have looked odd if the person responsible for the interior design didn’t attend. Appearances matter to the Donovans. It’s why they work so hard to make themselves look respectable.

From the moment I stepped through the door, I’ve felt uncomfortable. I’m experiencing the sensation that comes from being watched. I don’t like it. As I look out over the bustling dance floor from the VIP section, a shiver lifts my shoulders and sets them back down again. Goosebumps form on my skin, and I get a sense of what it’s like to be in a predator’s sights.

Knowing exactly whose eyes are on me, I don’t dare turn around. To do so would be as good as inviting him to join me. I know how Rory Donovan operates. If he sees an opening, he’ll take it. I have to keep him at arm’s length. Rory can be quite charming when he wants to be but, like the rest of his family, he’s dangerous.

After a while, I realize I can’t stand here staring out over the dance floor all nigh, so I turn and immediately meet Rory’s gaze. I guess I was right about him watching me, but I don’t understand why he’s paying me so much attention. Although we flirted a bit at Libby and Andrew’s wedding last year, I turned him down when he wanted to go somewhere more private. I thought my rejection would out him off. If anything, I think it made him more interested in me.

He's standing by the bar on the opposite side of the room with his older brother, Aidan, who’s head of their family. The two men are engaged in conversation, but Rory’s focus seems to be very much on me.

Under such intense scrutiny, I don’t know what to do with myself. My instinct is to flee, but the last thing I want is to give a seasoned hunter an excuse to chase me. He’s the type of man who’d get off on catching me and dragging me back to his bed. I just wish that thought didn’t make my insides tingle.

Now that I’ve met his gaze, it’s hard to look away from Rory. There’s something magnetic about the man. He exudes power and confidence. He’s pretty easy on the eyes, too. Tall and broad-shouldered, he fills out his expensive navy suit well. His shirt is slightly stretched across his chest, giving the impression of a muscular torso beneath. His dark hair is tousled, like he just rolled out of bed. Maybe he did. Who knows?

His eyes are a deep, chestnut brown. From this distance, I can’t see it, but there’s usually a wicked gleam in them. It’s been a struggle to resist the temptation to play with this bad boy, but I’m aware I’d be out of my depth with someone like him. I don’t understand the rules of his world. I’ve only ever dated nice, safe men.

Just as the staring contest between us gets really awkward, I catch movement in the corner of my eye. I let out a breath of relief as Libby heads toward me. Though we weren’t friends at school, we get on well now, and I’m glad she’s here to act as a distraction from Rory’s intimidating presence. Her husband is with her, gripping her hand tightly. He probably doesn’t want to let her out of his sight. From what I’ve seen, Andrew is the possessive type.

“This place looks amazing.” Libby throws her arms around me and pulls me in for a hug. “Andrew told me it was even better than the last job you did, but I didn’t think that was possible.”

“Thanks,” I mutter as I disentangle myself from her embrace. My cheeks are heated, the result of being on the receiving end of praise I don’t deserve. Though I am pleased with the abstract floral design on the walls and I love the plum-colored sofas in the VIP lounge, there’s nothing ground-breaking in my design. Every time someone compliments me on it, my imposter syndrome flares up.

“Let’s grab a seat.”

As with every suggestion Andrew makes, I get the feeling compliance is not optional. I follow him and his wife to a quiet booth in the corner, admiring Libby’s silver sequined mini-dress. It’s amazing, clinging to her curves and falling just a few inches beneath her butt, to show off her stunning legs. I have no clue how she’s managing to walk so confidently in her towering heels, but she makes it look easy.

In comparison, I must appear frumpy in my knee-length black dress, which is really more suitable for office wear. I did actually buy it a couple of years ago for a job interview at a design consultancy before I decided to try my luck at freelancing.

I knew the dress wasn’t suitable for a nightclub, but I wanted to maintain an air of professionalism tonight, especially since I knew Rory would be here. I hoped my plain dress, matched with distinctly unsexy ballet flats, would persuade him I’m too staid for a man of the world like him and he’d look elsewhere for amusement. So far, it doesn’t seem to be working. I can feel his eyes following me across the room.

Libby slides onto one of the seats in the booth and Andrew gets in next to her, his massive frame creating an effective barrier between her and anyone who might want to do her harm. It also blocks her from other men’s views, which I’m sure for him is an added bonus. I sit opposite them, dropping my purse onto the seat next to me.

Andrew gestures subtly, raising a single finger to get the attention of one of the waitresses. Mere moments later, the young blonde woman scurries over with a bottle of champagne and three glasses. It must be nice to have the power to command people like that, to have them anticipate your every need.

“Leave the bottle, Stella,” Andrew says.

It doesn’t surprise me he knows her name. From experience, I get that he’s very hands on with his businesses. He seems to be familiar with the lives of everyone who works for him.

“So how is the Soho project coming along?” he asks as he pours three glasses of champagne.

“It’s on track to open at the end of the month.” Thankfully, everything is running smoothly. The major structural work has been done, and it’s time to install the kitchen, the restrooms and the bar, as well as sorting out the finer details of the décor.

“Good. I have another project for you.”

My heart sinks. I’ve been afraid of this. I try not to let my trepidation show.
