Page 31 of Resisting Rory

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“Oh, right. Doesn’t Libby’s husband run nightclubs?”

The pursing of her lips tells me Annie doesn’t approve of that.

“He does,” I confirm.

“And what do you do, Rory?”

“Rory’s an accountant,” Eleanor replies on my behalf. “He looks after his family’s finances.”

That seems more to Annie’s liking. “So you’ve a good head on your shoulders, then. I’m glad to hear my Ellie’s in safe hands.”

“The safest,” I assure her. “I will never let anything bad happen to your daughter.”

Though the words are intended to reassure Annie, I mean them. Eleanor is mine now and I will protect her to my last breath.



As we pull awayfrom my mother’s house, I lean my head back against the car seat and let out a long, slow sigh of relief. That went so much better than I expected.

I’ve only brought a boyfriend home to meet my mom once before, and she hated him on sight. Granted, he was a cocky asshole with no real achievements to back up his arrogant attitude. She didn’t hold back on letting him know exactly what she thought of him.

Despite her initial shock when I introduced Rory as my husband, she warmed to him quickly. It’s not surprising. When he turns on the charm, he’s hard to resist.

“Thanks for being so nice to my mom.”

“It wasn’t a chore,” Rory says. “She’s a great lady.”

“Yes, she is.” Dropping my gaze to my wedding ring, I twist it around on my finger. “Look, I’m sorry I blurted out that thing about us having another wedding. It’s just, she was disappointed to have missed out and I wanted to give her something to look forward to.”

“It’s fine,” Rory assures me.

“I mean, we can tell her in a few weeks that we changed our minds.”

Rory tuts at me. “We can’t do that. She’s already planning what she’ll wear.”’

“I know, but…”

“But, nothing,” Rory interjects. “I want to do the whole thing again, the way you want to this time.”

I arch an eyebrow, because even if I plan the whole thing, it’s still going to be the result of an ultimatum I was given.

“Really? Can I swap the groom for someone of my choosing?”

“No.” Rory doesn’t take the bait. “But you can pick a venue, and a cake and bridesmaids, and all that shit.”

“But it still won’t be a real wedding.”

Rory shoots me a dark glare. “It will be a real wedding. Our marriage is real, Eleanor, whether you accept that, or not.”

My lip wobbles, and he sighs.

“Anyway, by the time the wedding comes around, you’ll be head over heels in love with me.”

“Arrogant swine!” I say with a laugh, thought I fear he might be right. Falling for him wouldn’t be difficult. He is a charming rogue when he wants to be. Life would certainly be easier if I did give love a chance to blossom. I don’t want to think about that right now, though.

“So, where are we headed?”
