Page 74 of Filthy Hot Escort

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“You’re going to call someone?” she asked, both incredulous and pissed. No. Of course not. Something dawned on her. “Wait. Are you going to film this . . . ?” She gestured helplessly around the room. “Whatever this is?”

“Do you want me to?” he asked casually.

She managed to give a quick shake of her head.

“I need to hear you, Skylar,” Julian chastised. “You’re in control here, so tell me yes or tell me no.”

She swallowed heavily and practically croaked, “No.”

“Not a problem,” Julian said, grinning at her. “But I was about to use the venue’s app and order us more champagne. Unless you don’t want any.”

“Umm . . . ”

“Skylar . . . remember? You dictate this all. You’re in control.”

“No,” she said decisively, surprised at how strong she felt saying the word. “I don’t want anything to drink.” But while deciding to pass on more champagne had been easy, she was back to feeling off balance, in over her head. Maybe she should have walked away from that door in the art gallery. Maybe she shouldn’t have turned the knob. Maybe this life wasn’t for her. And yet . . .

The rest of the rules you make yourself.

That’s what Julian had said.

Maybe that wasn’t true out in the real world. It certainly wasn’t true at work with her asshole boss. But maybe in here... maybe just inside this room in this specific moment in time... maybe it really could be true.

She fumbled with the first button of her coat, but by the time she slipped it off her shoulders, her fingers no longer shook. Julian exhaled a long breath when she let her dress fall to the floor next to her coat and stood before him in just her bra, panties, and heels. The music seemed to pound harder, the beat seemed to grow faster, and the dull thudding around her seemed to grow closer and closer as Julian’s eyes devoured her body. “Tell me what you want me to do,” she whispered.

Julian simply shook his head. “No.”

Biting her lip hesitantly, she reached behind her and flicked open the small clasp of her bra. She pushed each strap from her shoulders, so it fell to the floor, leaving her breasts exposed. She didn’t miss how Julian swiped his hand over his mouth as if he was holding himself back from reaching out and tasting her.

“What do you want from me?” she asked. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, and her breasts were bathed in a pale sapphire, nipples turning dusky copper in the hue.

“I want whatever you want,” Julian said nonchalantly. “You’re in control.”

She studied Julian there on the floor. Did she believe him?

Or was it all just pretty words? Because she still didn’t understand how, if he was ceding control to her, how he could still be exercising control.

Unless he told her what he wanted, how was he going to get it?

To the beat of the music, she stepped forward, one foot perfectly in front of the other. Julian’s piercing blue eyes followed her every move.

She stopped in front of him. “Move,” she said. No, shecommanded.

When he didn’t budge, she inched her heel toward his foot. He slid his legs apart as if her stiletto had a string attached to his ankle. Licking her lips as heat pooled between her thighs, she pushed his other leg without even having to touch him. With her breath quickening, she took a step forward until she was standing with heels hip-width between Julian’s widespread legs.

Julian stared up at her with blown-wide pupils focused on her hard nipples. His breath grew ragged. But he didn’t reach for her ankles. He didn’t lunge for her wrists to drag her down onto him. He didn’t move, save for his chest rising and falling in a rapid tempo, illuminated by the shards of light with their ever-changing colors.

Skylar felt her body respond. Grow heated. Her pussy grew wet, so wet she was sure he could see the moisture pool in her panties even in this dim and ever-changing light.

Slowly, she sank down into a low squat. With Julian’s eyes fixed on her, she sucked a finger into her mouth, then dragged it in and out, in and out. His head fell back, and he bit his lip to mute a moan as she ran her wet finger along her pussy over the thin material of her lace panties.

“What do you want from me, Julian?” she demanded as she found her clit. A hiss of pleasure seeped from her lips.

Julian shook his head and refused to answer, which again confused her. If she was in control, he should be answering her. But she supposed that was a circular argument. How could she be in control if he was guiding her? Damn, this was all so complicated it made her head hurt trying to understand it.

She ran her other hand over her chest, circling her nipples one by one. “Tell me what you want,” she said. “Surely you must want something.”

Julian’s eyes clenched closed as his face descended again into darkness under the revolving lights.
