Page 82 of Filthy Hot Escort

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“I’ve been good,” he said, something shifting inside him, leaving aside all the turmoil he’d just felt because of Skylar and easing him into the persona he’d worn for most of the last twenty years. “How about yourself? What’s up?”

“My fourth husband left me,” Elena said with a pout.

“Aw, baby, I’m sorry.”

She laughed. “Don’t be. He was a dick. A very little, puny, limp dick. But one with plenty of money that he was happy enough to give to me as a divorce settlement. I’m set for life.”

“You were set for life long before you married again,” Julian said. Elena was a world-class plastic surgeon who’d made a fortune catering to the rich and famous.

“Oh, my dearest, I had plenty, but what I had then pales in comparison to what I have now. But as much as money is great, being lonely isn’t. It’s been way too long, and I miss you.”

He chuckled and hoped only he heard the bitterness that edged the sound. “You miss my cock. You said it yourself.”

Her laugh was light and breezy. “It’s true. And you know me too well. Listen, I know you’re in retirement, but could you do me this one favor?”

“How big of a favor?”

“Oh, about the size of your gigantic dick, I’d say.”

Elena always knew how to make him laugh. “You want to fuck me.”

“Darling, I want to fuck you six ways to Sunday. How about a nooner? Tomorrow?”

Skylar’s face flashed in front of him. “Retired, sweetheart.”

“I know. But you’re the Sex God of Manhattan, and I need a little godliness in my life. Pretty please? I know you don’t need the money, but I’ll pay you quadruple your past rate. You’rethatgood.”

He was about to turn her down, but when Skylar’s face flashed in front of him again, he stopped.

Skylar knew who and what he was, and she knew what they were, and it was far from exclusive.

Was she really going to be the reason he turned Elena down?

Granted, he’d had no plans to ever sleep with the other woman again, but that had nothing to do with Skylar.

It couldn’t.

“My big cock agrees— it’s been too long,” he said, having to force himself to sound flirtatious. “A nooner sounds delicious, just as I imagine you’ll taste. I’ll take that quadruple rate, but I’ll send you a link to my favorite charity. Once I receive confirmation, I’m all yours.”

“Darling, I’m so grateful to you. And to your big cock.”

“See you tomorrow. Same time, same place.”

After hanging up, he tossed the phone back down on the table, then strode naked to the shower. It was settled, he thought as he stood under the spray of water, which is why he wasn’t quite sure what took hold of him when he screamed, “Fuck!” and punched the tile wall with his already damaged knuckles, shattering the tile and making him bleed. ‘


“So what, we’re old men now? Meeting for brunch?” Julian slid into a booth, joking with Marcus, who sat across from him at one of the Upper Eastside’s newest and hottest brunch places. Julian hadn’t talked to his friend since Marcus had asked Julian to pinch-hit for the Masquerade Party, but Julian had been glad when Marcus texted, asking to meet up. Although the brunch thing had thrown him— usually, the two met for drinks in the evening, not eggs in the morning.

Marcus grinned. “We’re only here because a potential new client wants to set eyes on me. Her best friend, Lacy, is one of my regulars. Lacy told this new woman about me, and she’s interested. Lacy showed her a few pictures of me—”

“Your face or your cock? Because if it’s the former, I’d be suspicious you’re getting set up.”

“The lady is smitten with not only my handsome looks and debonair appearance but my gigantic cock, too,” Marcus joked back. “She’s apparently nervous, so she wanted to see me in a natural setting. Make sure I looked as good in real life as I did in the photos. I told Lacy to have her friend swing by here and spy on me as I sat around having brunch like a normal person. That’s why you’re here. Add a sense of normalcy. Show this lady I’m a nice guy with nice friends.”

Julian cocked a brow. “So, I’m the beard, huh?” He started to look around. “Which one is she?”

“Knock it off. I have no clue who she is, so don’t go looking. I don’t want to scare her off. Act casual. Order breakfast.”
