Page 37 of Obsession

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She’s closing in on herself, he realizes. This is how she copes.

They’re complete opposites in that way.

“I have no desire to touch you without consent,” he says, his voice rough. “Despite what you think about my kind, there’s no joy in hurting our mate.”

He can’t help himself. “Unless they want it, of course,” he adds. “But that’s not my intention, baby.”

She remains silent, watching the waves. Finally, she gives him a subtle nod.

What happened at her house was violent and frenzied. It was about getting her off and letting her relieve some of the tension that was running through her body.

This is something entirely different.

He slowly wraps his arms around her waist and gently turns her toward him. Her body is soft and warm against his, and one hand reaches to cradle her head against his chest.

A soft rumble leaves him and he slowly feels her relax.

He’s purring for her.

He can’t believe he’s doing it; someone so capable of chaos and violence shouldn’t be able to offer the comfort he is now.

But it’s as if he’s done it forever. She nestles her head into his chest, and he drifts his free hand through her hair, playing with the soft strands.

It’s like she was made for him. Dark hair, dark eyes, and a quick wit, with a hint of mystery—everything he could ever want.

And she’s fucking brilliant, too. He’s happy she’s presenting now instead of years ago; she would have been stuck in one of the Omega cities and only been able to attend an Omega college.

“What’s happening?” she mumbles into his chest, and he chuckles before kissing the top of her head.

“I’m purring, baby,” he says gently. “Didn’t you read all about it in those documents?”

“Yes. But I wasn’t sure…”

“You weren’t sure it was real?” he murmurs. “You weren’t sure I could do it and you could respond?”

She sighs, sagging against his chest, and his hand wraps tighter around her waist.

“For what it’s worth,” he adds, “I had no idea it could be like this. No idea it could feel like this.”

She tilts her head up to look at him. “You don’t even know me, Julian,” she tries. “You don’t know that I’m the one for you. There are other girls out there. I don’t—”

“You’ve tried that once,” he says, amused. “That argument isn’t going to work.” His rumble continues, and her pupils grow wide. “Don’t tell me you don’t feel the pull as much as I do.”

He searches her face, and he knows he’s right.

“You don’twantto want me, but you do,” he continues, giving her a crooked grin. “Can I tell you a secret?”

She closes her eyes and shakes her head.

“Sometimes it’s okay to want something bad,” he whispers, delighted at the look on her face.

“It’s okay to want to be corrupted. No one has to know but me.”

Then he leans in and kisses her.


