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Alice turns around with a beaming smile on her face.

“She’s off for the next three weeks so Uncle Jay has brought me,” the little girl says excitedly as she grabs her uncle’s hand. I look up at see his deep green eyes looking down at me with a one-sided grin that makes me almost swoon. Now I have had a proper look at his face I can’t miss the resemblance between his sister Trudy and him. The main difference between them is that his man just screams danger, I can imagine he can get any woman he wants, he looks every part the player.

“Hello Uncle Jay, it's a pleasure to meet you,” I say politely holding out my hand which he takes in his and places a kiss on my knuckles.

“The pleasure is all mine; I can assure you.”

I roll my eyes but am unable to hide the smile on my face. Damn this man’s smooth, and judging from the look on his face he knows it.

“Alice, did you manage to read the book I suggested last week?” I ask as I squat down beside her. Alice's face lights up as she nods enthusiastically.

“Me and Mummy are still reading it. You were right it's funny. We are going to try other books by him as soon as we finish this one,” Alice says as she takes my hand. She's such an affectionate little girl she loves nothing more than holding hands and cuddles. I smile back as I look into her bluey-green eyes and can't miss the way they sparkle with excitement as they always do.

“I'm glad to hear it. Make sure you let me know when you have finished and I’ll suggest the next one to read,” I say as I stand ready to go back to work. I look at her uncle and smile. “It was nice to meet you Uncle Jay maybe we'll see you again another time.”

“You could see me tonight if you're free?” he declares startling me.

“My, aren’t you forward,” I reply crossing my arms over my chest.

“I don't beat around the bush,” he says unapologetically.

“And I don't date,” I answer as I pat his chest. “Alice say hi to your mum for me,” I call as I turn around and walk away to speak to some of the other children and their parents, feeling Jays eyes on me the whole time.


I spend the next half an hour speaking to other children and their parents, before heading back to the main library reception desk. There I spend time exchanging books and helping, people, to find what they need. I'm just about to head to lunch when I see Alice standing at the desk in front of me with her uncle beside her.

“Alice would like to check these books out please,” he says as he casually leans against the desk. If this man wasn’t so full of himself, he would be a lot sexier. Who am I kidding? He is sexy with a capital S. I try my hardest to ignore him and smile at Alice.

“Good choiceI can't wait to hear what you think of these.” I pass her the dating stamp and she marks each of the books with their return dates as I scan them in. Once she has done all four books, she hands me back the stamp and I pass her library card.

“Will you be coming back on Thursday for the arts and crafts session?” I ask Alice who turns and looks at her uncle. But when I look at him it's not his niece he's looking at, it's me.

“Will you be at the arts and crafts session, Sadie?” Crap Alice told him my name and the way he says it causes my cheeks to flush under the intensity of his stare.

“I will,” I reply trying desperately to ignore the butterflies in my stomach.

“Then she will be here. We both will,” he says before one side of his lips lift in a half smile. “Maybe by then you'll agree to let me take you out,” he adds. I push my chair back and stand before leaning on the desk focusing purely on Alice.

“I look forward to seeing you Alice,” I say before looking to her uncle and adding, “but the answer will still be no.” I turn around and walk away smiling to myself as once again I feel his eyes on me until I'm out of sight. I have a funny feeling that man is not going to take no for an answer but I have no intention of dating him. With how forward he is and the way he dresses in his designer clothes there's no mistaking that he could have anyone he wanted and I refuse to be another notch on the bedpost. I bet it would be a night to put all sex scenes in my books to shame, though.

Chapter three


“Are you sure you are okay being here today, Sadie?”

I look at my friend Amy and smile.

“I’m fine I promise, it’s just a small headache. If it gets worse, I’ll let you know.” I twist my hair up and attach my clip before pulling two strands down to frame my face. I glance up at the clock, the children for the arts and crafts session will be turning up soon. I know we shouldn't keep looking around for Alice and her uncle wondering if they will turn up.

It's been two days since I met her Uncle Jay and I haven't been able to get that damn man out of my mind since. I don't know if it’s the good looks, the bold personality or the fact that his body screams dominance but I found myself counting down the hours until today and hoping that he'll be here.

I look down at the jeans and top I chose to wear today and can't help thinking I should have chosen more comfortable clothing. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I chose my outfit in the hope of impressing Jay, sad I know.

I wasn't lying when I said I don't date. I don't think I've had one in three years, there's no point when they never stay around. I don't have much of a social life either as I spend all my time in the library. My love of books contributes to eighty per cent of my life the other twenty is my cat and few friends. Not that I have many of them either. I suppose you could say my friends consist of adults who bring their children to the library or participate in my book clubs. And I'm fine with that. But I did enjoy flirting briefly with Jay the other day. I've never been one to flirt with men, but there's something about that man that brought out the playfulness in me. The odd flirts here and there never hurt anybody, it's all just in good fun.

